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Sights and smells 21/8/19


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Inspired by the reports from @Littleguy80 and @KingNothing13 I drove to a nearby farm with a spring in my step (so to speak). This time I'd done some research and had some new targets to find. As I sniffed the air I noticed in the failing light a huge pile of what I can only describe as organic fertilizer not far from my position. Undeterred, I set up and looked at passable views of Saturn and Jupiter until it was dark enough for another detailed look at Sagittarius. There's such a small window of opportunity for this constellation that I always target it when I can.

My main target, however, was Cassiopeia. It's been rather neglected by me probably because it's always there and also because there's so much going on, my goal-orientated brain can't handle it. Wide field was my weapon of choice and Caroline's Rose was my main target. I've missed it before and I nearly missed it again but when I found it- what a beauty. I lingered on it for a while and then hunted some of the other open clusters. I found some beauties between Segin and Ruchba but I wish I could be sure which one was which. That's the problem with Cassiopeia. 

My other new targets were the Blue Snowball, the Caldwell galaxies just above the Andromeda Galaxy and a return to the Little Hourglass. As I looked through the finder I was surprised to make out only a few of the brightest stars until it dawned on me that the finder was all dewed up. My anti-dew precautions (toilet paper tube) had slipped. Still, something for next time. I found a spectacular Andromeda Galaxy stretching out further than my eyepiece could show, and a beautiful Double Cluster without a finder and I went home feeling great.

When I got up this morning I pulled the first corn cob from the patch. Two great things in less than twelve hours and I've been in a good mood all day.

Thanks for reading.


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