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Dithering again and cooling

alan potts

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49 minutes ago, symmetal said:

Glad to hear it is now all working with APT. I found with mine that 30 degrees is the most it can cool. Hope there's no more thoughts of sending the camera back. :D


A good question, just frustration I guess, am beginning to wonder what the next cable problem I could have may be, it is not as if I am buying anything cheap and nasty. I feel the power system out here has many flaws, worse time is when lightning is about, blew a motherboard on a very high spec computer a few years back, before I had UPS's on everything.

Taken a set of 3 minute Darks but interestingly they failed after 10 of the 20 for some reason, thing the laptop nodded off. All well though awaiting tonight, clear at the moment.


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