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The Swan Nebular after added data.

alan potts

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I posted this half way through data collection, bit of a mistake I guess. Thought some may like to see this 3 hours of data which is about as much as I can get at the moment without taking a 80yo walnut tree down. This is a collection of 3,4 and 5 minute subs at 1600 and 800iso, for no real reason other than I forgot what the night before was taken on.


Feel free to do what ever you wish and offer advice, wish I could have controlled that bright star better.


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2 hours ago, alan potts said:

wish I could have controlled that bright star better

Have you tried star removal before stretching, then adding the stars back in afterward.  I did this for the first time with my last image.  It's a ton of work, but I was pleased with the results.

Nice image BTW.


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8 hours ago, Starwiz said:

Have you tried star removal before stretching, then adding the stars back in afterward.  I did this for the first time with my last image.  It's a ton of work, but I was pleased with the results.

Nice image BTW.


I will have to look it up on how to do it as I tend to just stick to what I know in PS, I am sure it is not beyond me though. Some of the data in the stack was not the best of nights and there was some slight haze, that didn't help.


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1 hour ago, alan potts said:

I will have to look it up on how to do it as I tend to just stick to what I know in PS, I am sure it is not beyond me though. Some of the data in the stack was not the best of nights and there was some slight haze, that didn't help.


There are a few tutorials on how to removed the stars.

To add them back in, create a layer with just the stars, then set the blend mode to 'Lighten' for this mode.

Another technique you could try (if you're already happy with the star colours), is to use a star mask so the stars aren't affected when you do the stretching.

I was using narrow band (horrible bloated magenta stars) so wanted to replace the stars with RGB.


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Thanks John I will look this up, I like to look at a tutorial and write down step by step. Been using alot of select and mask of late which I picked up off Backyard Astro, it's a good way but not tried star removal yet, will look into it.


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