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First wide field sub with Samyang 135 and CCD

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A raw, uncalibrated light frame, no calibration, no cooling,  just a stretched 120 second sub.  Quite pleased for a very first effort.

G2-8300 Moravian camera with 3nm HA Astrodon filter with Samyang 135mm at F2, unguided at this stage.  All on a NEQ6 mount.

I have lots to do on this rig to get it properly set up.  Least of all getting EQmod to work with SGP for which I will fire up a new thread.


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15 hours ago, ollypenrice said:

That does look good. The 3nm filter will help keep the stars down and give your lens images the 'telescope look.' Superb FOV.


Thanks Olly.  I am starting to prefer these wide fields with camera lenses as opposed to doing wide fields with the FSQ85 and reducer.

Edited by kirkster501
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The North America nebula looks lovely and fluffy, with lots of texture... quite unlike the amorphous blob that I’ve managed so far (and, I have to say, that you see quite often.)

Great stuff!

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1 hour ago, kirkster501 said:

But optically, why shouldn't it work at F2?

The issue isn't vignetting. This issue is the steeply angled edge of the beam does not hit the filter square, so the effective wavelength is changed, meaning the light no longer falls within the 3nm passband. The inner part of the beam (up to about F2.8) doesn't shift much so you still get an image, but transmission is lower overall. It is why Baader make "high speed" filters with the passband pre-shifted to compensate.

Edited by Ags
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Yeah, there are all manner of issues with my posted image but it appears the 31mm filters work well.  I just wanted to test out that I could get an image and get the lens mounted on the G2-8300 camera and it seems to have worked out. 

I need to get the guiding and autofocus working.  Lots of drilling and tapping to do now to build the wide-field rig properly.  I bought some ADM 125mm rings from a member and will adapt these to support the camera and lens so I don't get sag from the weight of the lens hanging off of the camera.

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