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Recent imaging products you'd recommend?


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Are there any recently introduced imaging products with which you've been particularly pleased? Large or small, costly or not, I'm really just trying to find recent items which have gone down well with practical imagers.



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How recent? Only hardware, or also software? As far as recent software is concerned, I'm pretty pleased with starnet++. In my opinion, it's the best star removal software out there.

And as far as hardware is concerned, INDI based products such as ASIAir, StellarMate and AtikBase are gaining momentum. I already have my own INDI solution, otherwise I'd go for the StellarMate.

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I have just started using Voyager acquisition software. Easy to customise using DragScript to control manually or for full automation. Autofocus using single star or full frame average. Platesolving using Pinpoint, SkyX, All Sky Plate Solver, Platesolve2, or Nova Astrometry.Net Web


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I can't think of anything radically new - all things were here already in one form or another and most recent items, be that software or hardware are evolution rather than revolution.

There might be something new, that is in principle again evolution of existing items, but made me think of the use for it that could be labeled as new (at least I did not find any reference to the idea so far):

Multiband narrow band filters, like tri and quad NB filters. In principle it is evolution of NB filters and UHC filters to combine properties of both - UHC giving idea of multiple lines and NB giving idea of narrow band pass - so it is in fact evolution of filter, but novel idea is to use it as L layer for NB in the same way we use L in LRGB.

It has couple of advantages - for example capture of Hb - improving Ha/Hb signal strength (in comparison to pure Ha) - better SNR. Capturing all bands at the same time - improves SNR again even if lines are completely spatially separated in the image. Pretty much advantage that LRGB has over RGB with added Hb component in quad band example.

It has also use as extreme UHC nebular filter for both mono and OSC capture, but to me above application is probably the best use of such filter (and a novel idea as far as I can tell).

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3 hours ago, michael8554 said:

ONAG plus IR sensitive camera plus extension to mortgage. 


Do you think it has any advantage over OAG + regular ASI camera sensitive in IR + IR pass filter, apart from obvious - larger FOV to choose stars from?

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10 hours ago, vlaiv said:

ASI camera sensitive in IR + IR pass filter

Ordinary OAG doesn't require IR sensitive camera + IR pass filter. 

You're right, larger FOV is the only advantage I can think of. 

Never going on my shopping list. 


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2 hours ago, michael8554 said:

Ordinary OAG doesn't require IR sensitive camera + IR pass filter. 

You're right, larger FOV is the only advantage I can think of. 

Never going on my shopping list. 


IR guiding has advantage over regular guiding in that IR part of the spectrum is less sensitive to atmospheric seeing. That is why I mentioned IR pass filter and IR sensitive camera for OAG.

It should provide more "stable" guiding with respect to seeing (less chasing the seeing).

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