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Prop Nebulae

astro mick

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Tried unsuccessfully to emulate Steve on this target.

Using a WO Zenithstar 73 with An Atik 314L+ and a Astronomik Ha Filter 12nm to capture 16x600 sec images.

Then switched to a ED80 with and Atik 320E to capture 6x600 RGB.

Located fairly easily with platesolving the prop did show with short exposure with the Ha filter.

Calibrated with Flats and Bias frames.

Certainly a nice target for dark skies.(If only). 

It was imaged over two nights.


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16 minutes ago, astro mick said:

Its a cracker Steve.

Having rotated and flipped my image to match the orientation of yours, it is interesting to note the intensity differences between some of the star formations and chains comparing my very narrowband with your RGB. You have some nice detail captured here.

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8 hours ago, alan potts said:

Nice image Mick, where is it and can I try it with a modded DSLR.


I don't see why not Alan.

It is located in Cygnus.

RA =  20.16.08

Dec= +43.40.42

I don't know wether you use plate solve,but these co-ordinates will put you bang on.


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