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Small trawl.


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Enough contrast to get cracking at 10.30. Jupiter provided some lovely northern belt details. A lot going on in the equatorial area, much darker than previous sessions. Later , Saturn arrived to give views of the Cassini and surface. Before the moon came up , I had a shot at some Delphinus and Cygnus binaries. Light hazy cloud didn't help, but at 16 degrees C , no complaints !

Cygnus.Σ2666 SAO49438, a 2.7" in a lovely field of view. 26 Cygni SAO49098 gives a very colourful view of this orange giant.

Delphinus. Σ2665 SAO105957 giving a 3" split. Σ2679 SAO1060 a wide 24.4" and Σ2723 SAO106443, just about managed to squeeze out a 1.2" split between differing magnitudes. 

γ (gamma) Delphini gives another wide double double with Σ2725 , lovely contrast here.

A beautiful evening , something comforting as the quiet "swish swish swish " of the tracking motor is the only sound under 

Clear Skies !



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Thanks for the report and the sketches. Its taken me twenty years to appreciate double star observations. Sure are some gorgeous jewels up there! Thanks again for sharing!


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Great report Nick. I went out to test the collimation of the dob after being shown that the secondary was way out. Oh my days, Saturn loves a well collimated dob! Wonderful views. Threw in the double double, Cat’s eye neb and Izar for good measure. The clouds decided that was my lot but very enjoyable!

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Nice report, Nick. I was out for a couple of hours it’s last night on Jupiter, Saturn, a few quick doubles in Cygnus and M13. Just a very casual session to unwind. I found the seeing quite shoddy though, and aside from some dark detail on the NEB, both planets were a bit underwhelming in the dob.

M13 made up for it though, as did Albireo, and I even enjoyed the atmospheric appearance of the moon rising through the broken clouds. Nothing new, nothing in the least bit challenging, but some much needed relief for weary eyes!!

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