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The Observing Area Build

Alan White

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Posted (edited)

A productive but pain inducing day today, need to be kinder to myself going forwards.

Light blocker, aka fence, now green where the first Khazi lived, that’s for you @JeremyS


Then worked on returning power to the Astro shed, had to sort out the old SWA, now all done and power and light returned.


Then two power leads with xt60 plugs made up and run and the new psu has an xt60 socket and fuse too.
Run two to allow for future power demands and redundancy.




And the final killer was shifting the old Khazi cement base hardcore to our track to the house and filling some holes, that was the killer!


Edited by Alan White
Added reason for 2 leads.
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Looking good Alan, but watch out for your back. None of us are getting younger and the 'battle damage' adds up despite our mental self image often convincing us otherwise. I noticed how much I struggled moving 8x4 sheets of OSB today whereas a few years ago I wouldn't have thought twice about it.

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Posted (edited)

After some back recovery time, stretching exercises etc. it’s time to move forwards.

Been measuring and pondering what to do, shed space is 6ft x 4 ft in old money.

I have come up with a leave the structure alone plan, no push away shed or roof and allows easier removal in years to come, we will relocate at some point as it’s part of the retirement plan.

So move parts of Khazi mk1 and add more, I now have the space to do so.


They say an image says more than words, as indeed it does,
so I present to the world The (new) Khazi.

This leaves me open to keep my 10” Dob and have options on the mounting of my other reflectors and refractors.

I expect a scope cart of some kind, I really should have looked better at the Astro Tuff Trucks at the Astro shows.

Watch this space for progress or procrastination on my part.

Edited by Alan White
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What about a wheeled mobility tray for the Dob? As simple as 3/4 plywood and skateboard wheel castors. For easy movement.
Leave the roof and shed intact. No lifting involved. Avoid fitting a threshold bar to allow free movement in and out.
Some sort of simple docking bars. Or even loose bricks? To hold the Dob mobility tray in place once extracted.
Perhaps your Dob is already sitting on castors?


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Posted (edited)

@Rusted that is much what I have in mind,
The (new) Khazi is safe and it’s roof and or movement are not an option.

A cart or skate is much in my mind, but I need it to hold either the Dob or the tripod etc, so something to ponder.
I had not thought about a Ply base though, so a big thank you for that idea.

Edited by Alan White
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I was thinking about your back. Cheap castors are hard to move.
Skateboard wheels will run anywhere. And often do.

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5 minutes ago, Rusted said:
Skateboard wheels will run anywhere. And often do.

I have to say that line made me wince, I think my first back injury came from Teenage Skateboard exploits,
Skateboarding down a steep hill with no escape plan or soft place to land was not a good plan after all….it hurt, a lot.

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Posted (edited)

Another couple of hours broken by cooking the Evening Meal and other things.

Last night the plan was shown to Mrs W and talked through, she then asked for a look in the space,
glad she did, she then said swap the Desk and Dob around from the plan,
make the lift easier and by the door.....hmm, how did I miss that one.

You will be glad that I spent a lot of time measuring before cutting and I am most proud of the end result,
it is a real project now, it cost me a small blood letting.


The Khazi lives! In more ways than just name, the desk surface, supporting timber and pin board came from the 1st Khazi.



Also have had a thought about leaving mount and tripod all set up and legs out, just store like this.
Weight wise its OK for now, so we will see.


Edited by Alan White
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Posted (edited)

I have been a busy boy, little bite sized jobs all week and some time today, but got very wet today.

Socket by desk and light above added.


Extra support to desk added as it creaked if lent upon.


Then some very solid support for the three shelves, as this may have scopes on it at times, nothing was left to be wobbly and light, having had a scope on the floor as folks know, not to be repeated....I hope.




Very pleased as its close to the plan, a few more minor mods to go and I am done here for now.

It has turned into a bit more of a Man Cave than intended,
but a few more embellishments and I will have  a happy second home when observing.




Edited by Alan White
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Having once seen an antique 4" refractor roll off a sideboard I would prefer to see a small lip on each of those shelves.

The legs of the pier could be left attached and the pier stowed on edge, or upright, as seems appropriate to its accommodation.

Anything requiring fiddling in the dark is an ever-growing hurdle to its repeated use. Or perhaps I am just lazy? 🙄


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Alan , as @Rusted pointed out , a small lip on the shelf can prevent some reaaaaaaly bad things from happening. I can unfortunately vouch for that from my personal experience , as luck would have it thow it was my PlasticFantastic scope that took the plunge - little Bresser Classic  70/350 - and being plastic it had a better outcome than for a heavier aluminium OTA. Still, the heart went thru my mouth roof 😟

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Posted (edited)

Thanks guys, yes a lip on the shelf had crossed my mind too.
Something not done, but thank you for pointing it out and I will now follow that advice.

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On 09/06/2024 at 20:27, Alan White said:

I have to say that line made me wince, I think my first back injury came from Teenage Skateboard exploits,
Skateboarding down a steep hill with no escape plan or soft place to land was not a good plan after all….it hurt, a lot.

1st rule of skateboarding - learn how to fall/bail :)  I do sympathise, I share that experience often.


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Posted (edited)

Name Sign fitted inside and keyring on key, that second small item is the most important bit.
A small key in grass is very hard to find when you drop it, I know from experience.


Please note the two R-Sky Monks Hoods hung on dedicated hooks, 
just depends which side of The Force you are working with on the day..


And to show it back in use a few minutes ago, Ha with the Lunt LS40 on the Vixen GP


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Another couple of years and you'll be old enough to have a colour coded boot lace on every key. 🤔

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On 19/06/2024 at 21:27, Rusted said:

Another couple of years and you'll be old enough to have a colour coded boot lace on every key. 🤔

Presently working on named tags, it’s easier than looking at keys wondering what they fit,
a problem with the bootlace idea, how to you know which bootlace works for which location?

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6 hours ago, Alan White said:

Presently working on named tags, it’s easier than looking at keys wondering what they fit,
a problem with the bootlace idea, how to you know which bootlace works for which location?

Colour coding. Seven keys for the e-bike, its various locks and house keys on a yellow lace.
Five keys on a blue lace for the blue car. Including house keys.
Orange lace for the shed. High visibility in case I forget to lock up.
It can be seen hanging from the door at a distance even in poor light.
Red lace for the second shed and observatory. Etc.
Dropping any key becomes more difficult than actually retaining it.
If it should be dropped a key can quickly be found thanks to the brightly coloured lace.
The lace provides security in the pocket against small keys being mislaid.
A key fob offers no backup if dropped in grass or on the verge on a morning walk.
A fob has to be read. No reading glasses involved. They were forgotten when you left the house.
A fob is bulky in the pocket. A lace is not. It cushions the keys against pocket wear.
A lace can even save the day when the local supermarket has a widely slotted drain cover at the cycle rack. [Sickening!]
The laces are always hung from the coat hooks in the entrance hall. Near the door but invisible.
Never left in a pocket of a rarely worn jacket. Which you forgot you wore on that unexpectedly damp, Sunday afternoon.
Coloured laces offer creative opportunities and an outlet for ADHD, OCD and creeping senility.
I have noticed that bikers and car enthusiasts use laces. So they are applicable to other age groups and interests.
Now what was the question again? 🤔

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