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Trying to decide if its worth packing a scope


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OK, so I'm leaving my folks at home to look after the sheep, and I'm off to Swanage camping for a week - where apparently up on the cliff outside the town it could be respectably dark.  I've run out of packing space, but am trying to decide whether to shove in the Vixen 80S at 400mm FL and 80mm diameter, I've just realised that with a 8mm BST in it that will only be a x50 magnification - is it worth taking?  I could get that out of my binoculars couldn't I?  Is it worth taking the space to put in the scope?

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If you decide not to equip yourself with an instrument at all, you are bound to have regrets, especially if the night sky is favourable  to superb. If space is the drawback, just take some Bino's with you. Better than nowt 😁.


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59 minutes ago, barkis said:

If space is the drawback

At the moment unfortunately it is - despite the scope being contained in a small plastic tool-box about 25" x 8" x 8"  every inch is counting at the moment - I was going to take binoculars for bird watching anyway I've got an older set of Opticrons 10 x 42 with a 5 degree field - I reckon they would sky watch too don't you?

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25 minutes ago, JOC said:

anyway I've got an older set of Opticrons 10 x 42 with a 5 degree field - I reckon they would sky watch too don't you?

Sure they would, much to be found in a 10 degree space, just loll in a Deck Chair and enjoy 🙂.

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Check the moon is not going to interfere with your astronomy sessions (with planetarium software). I have found 66x in my 4 inch newt vastly superior to 10x50 leica binoculars. If your sky is significantly better than what you normally get you will regret not taking 80x observing equipment. The other thing not to underestimate is your health and stamina for night time viewing sessions in the summer when we have to be up late to get away from astronomical twilight. Good luck. Ciao

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I don't know what tripod(s) you have available.

My holiday compromise for size and weight is sometimes a photo tripod & head. Stabilised by dangling bottles of sand or water from the centre.

Hope the viewing goes well. David.

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