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Stellarware EKOS and problems with Pegasus UPB


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Have you tried posting your problem on Indi Forum. I think someone (maybe you) has posted this on Indi forum - either way "bump" that thread.

I use Moonlite protocol/driver on Indi with DIY system - but that is not much help to you other than to point out Indi does work well with different focusers.

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On 24/06/2019 at 18:11, woodsie said:

I an having problems getting my UPB focuser to work. It connects displays in Indi web manager and EKOS but wont move after demand .

Anybody else using Rasberry 3pi+, KSTARS AND ekos



Hi Woodsie, did you find a solution to this? I’m having similar issues in Ekos with my focuser. Any help would be appreciated. 

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