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First Jupiter of the year - 22/06/19


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Hi all

I purchased a older Meade LX10 8" SCT from a fellow member and good mate a few months back as an alternative to my 200p.
After stripping it down a few weeks back for a good clean I finally got round to trying it out last night for the first time.

Seeing was terrible to the point that even attempting a 2x barlow was too much.
Pretty happy with the result given the conditions and for a first shot of the year with different kit.
The fact that this was also my first night of actually being able to get out with a scope at all since February was even more pleasing.

Meade LX10 8" SCT, HEQ5, ZWO ASI224MC, ZWO ADC.


Thanks in advance


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Thanks everyone.
I am hoping to get a chance over the coming days to have another bash at it and few other targets. I must admit last years heatwave produced my best ever shots so here is hoping.

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