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M31 from 2017/2018/2019 data


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Need more Ha and more Luminance but thought I would process this data and throw it out there.  I always love a M31, whether mine or other people's.  Would like to add more to this project.  Would like more detail half way out from the core.

Atik 460 on a FSQ85.  Three hours L and 90 mins each RGBHa.


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Very  nice image of this iconic subject. Like the equally famous Nebula M42, it is a target all imagers have a go at but I think both are quite challenging to get a result that you can be 100% satisfied with.

Hope to get my Observatory built in time to have a go at a 6 pane mosaic of M31 when Autumn comes around (I know, 6 panes and the UK weather, it will take me 6 years...)

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3 minutes ago, kirkster501 said:

Think I need to tone this image down a bit - it's a bit "in 'ya face".......  Maybe a slight blue cast to it as well.  I shall return......

The background sky is a bit 'colour busy' and the stretch of the brightest parts (stars and core) is, I think, harder than it needs to be. I suspect that a separate stretch of the same data would give you a less saturated core with more detail of the inner spirals visible. I've never managed to process an M31 without doing the core as a separate item and layering it in. It looks like very good data and well worth a protracted play!


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Very nice image. But as already noted, a bit overstretched. In LRGB imaging I usually apply a very mild arcsinh stretch, followed by a masked stretch to the RGB data, as per Barry Wilsons recipe:


The luminance image needs to be held down in contrast. Areas with too much brightness will result in washed out colours. Barry Wilson has a good tutorial on this as well:

https://barrywilson.smugmug.com/PixInsight-Tutorials (LRGB workflow)

I sometimes use a shortcut: After processing the L image, I decrease the white point with the curves tool (curvestransformation), down to below 90%. This will bring back colour in the stars and the brighter areas of the main target.

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