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Binoviewer advice


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I've been thinking about getting a binoviewer and was interested in asking for views on it.

I would mostly be using it for solar, lunar, and planets. Currently I mostly do solar with my ST120 and a Herschel wedge which leaves very little in focus to spare, and do lunar and planetary with a MC127 (which can make pretty much any set up come to focus). In the long term I aim to get a 100-120mm f7 or so ed/apo to replace both those scopes, and longer term also get a Lunt 60mm solar scope.

What binoviewer would be a good prospect to work with all of those (or is that asking too much).

For eyepieces I had in mind to get more Vixen SLVs to make pairs or get another Baader MK4 zoom to make a pair. Are these sensible prospects.

What binoviewer would be sensible bearing in mind in-focus limitations and any other factors.

I'm in no rush and tend to research things to death and prefer to buy second hand  so won't necessarily be getting one imminently but any comments that can help me to think would be gratefully received.

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Hi, @Paz 

I use WO binoviewers with my refractors, including the Lunt 60. I have to use a 2x Barlow nosepiece or 2.5x PowerMate in order to reach focus with all three. The WO binos come with 20mm (or 22mm, I believe) EPs and I also use 15, 25 and 30mm pairs.

I think TS Optics offer binoviewers which they claim will reach focus without any Barlow needed - even with a reflector! I’m not sure about that, though, and a recent thread asking for any info on these BVs drew no response.

Hope this helps. Enjoy the hunt. 🙂

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As above I also have the WO binoviewer and use it with both my refractor and newt. Again I needed to use the 2x barlow nosepiece to get focus with each as the supplied one doesn't quite get there. 

I really enjoy the views, especially on the moon, and this week with very good conditions was nothing short of stunning so I definitely recommend the binoviewer concept.

Other than focus, things to consider are the size and weight of the eyepieces you intend to use. The wider the eyepiece the less room there is between them and therefore your nose. I had thought to get additional eyepieces as you have, but with two of my BST starguiders inserted it was just a little too close for comfort for me. So if you get a viewer try a couple of your similar sized eyepieces for comfort before you buy others to make pairs. It's also a heavy set up so the balance point moves.

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Agree with above comments. I have WO also. Love them. You will rarely go to monocular view for lunar after you have done binoviewing. You will need a barliwof some kind. I suggest the following option 






Good luck and I hope you enjoy the views


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Hi . I use the TS Binoviewers with the SW 120ed . I use them in straight through and diagonal depending on target, and location in sky. A Barlow is used in diagonal mode to reach focus. As a general tip,  It seems to be a bit of a trial and error if a particular binoviewer ,with a particular scope ,with a particular eyepiece will reach focus without some sort of light path extender/reducer. Bit of a trial and error in my case.

When it comes to the quality of the TS unit ,for the money I have got no complaints, and never thought I was missing out on anything by upgrading, so TS in my experience get 👍

With eyepiece's again from my own experience, a decent plossl or Ortho will do the job just fine. No need for wide field expense here ,IMO just a few pairs of plossl or Ortho will give a great quality view with the binoviewer in focus. From my own point of preference, then lunar is where the binoviewer really comes into its own.

Hope this helps



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Thanks very much for the replies. I will read up more on the WO binoviewer and use that as a reference to compare other options to it.

It sounds like it is perhaps wise to keep calm on the eyepiece front and start with plossls which may be all that is needed.

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