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Hi everyone, 

I’m Todd, I signed up today. I’ve tried cloudy nights for a while, hopefully this binocular forum has more activity :) 

I own a new pair of Oberwerk 20x110mm Ultras and I just love those binoculars. The views are so bright and clear, sharp also. I have a Unimount light that I put them on, however the weight of the binoculars is probably at the limit of the mount. So when I get tired of using the mount, I’ll take the binoculars off and just hold them and view that way, much faster navigation.. 

I searched for some Oberwerk topics, but few were found. This being my first post and first search, I hope to get into some good discussions with everyone. One question I have: I may purchase the 28x110mm Ultras in the future,  does anyone here have experience looking through both the 20x and the 28X models  and if so, what is it like? I chose the 20x over the 28x because I wanted a brighter wider view. I’m hoping to get good detailed descriptions of how the two compare and how bright the objects are in the 28x model vs the 20x. 

I have a pair of Oberwerk 25x100’s and I’ve compared those two. But since the 20x110’s grab 34% more light than the 25x100’s (actually 25x95mm) according to Kevin at Oberwerk because of the first prism doesn’t use or catch all 100mm of aperture. Anyway, the 20x110’s are what I’m using and those use all 110mm of aperture. 

I used to own telescopes, started with an 8-inch and finished with a 20-inch and have been a visual observer since 1988. I’ve attended the Texas Star Party 23 times so far, and now I have these awesome binoculars. One day (hopefully) I’ll get some fujinon 25x150’s! That would be great. Thanks for letting me introduce myself, I look forward to visiting.



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Hi Todd and a warm welcome. There are many  bino' enthusiasts here who are happy to share their experience. One hitch in terms of Oberwerk Binoculars is that I don't think they are sold in the UK (which is unfortunate) so apart from those that have been individually imported from the USA there will not be that many around. However,  I believe that the Oberwerk Ultra range is the same or very similar to the Helios Apollo's that are in the UK so hopefully someone will be able to help out.

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Hi Todd,

Welcome to the forum. Also try the "Observing with Binoculars" forum; there tends to be a bit of crossover with this.

The Oberwerk branding is American - I think the brand is Kevin Busarow's "property". The binoculars are made by United Optics in Kunming, China. The same binoculars here (UK) are (mostly) branded Helios. The manufacturer's designation of the Oberwerk Ultra brand, for example, is a United Optics BA8; it is also branded Helios Apollo, General Hi-T, Garrett Signature, APM-HD, AP, Orion Resolux, TS-MX, and probably others, (+ the Delta Extreme and William Optics, which are essentially the same binocular, but with ED glass in the objectives).

You'd be brave to put the 28x110 on the Unimount Light - over the limit. See if you can get a used T-mount or Millennium (or even a Sirius) - you won't get new, now that Larry Patriarca has retired.

I'm pretty sure someone on here had the Helios Apollo 28x110, who might be able to advise you; a search on that might help.

One other (picky) thing: it's not actually that the prism doesn't catch as much light in the 25x100; there is a diaphragm at the entrance to the prism housing that cuts off the periphery of the light cone, so it doesn't get as far as the prisms. I'm pretty sure they do it because it (a) eliminates the worst aberrations, which arise from the peripheral rays, and (b) allows the use of smaller prisms - cheaper all round. You find it a lot: most of the cheaper 15x70s, for example, are actually 15x62; I have one BSO (binocular-shaped object) in which the 70 has been stopped down to 49mm, and I tested a so-called 10x50 that was 10x39.I've written a bit more about that sort of thing here.

Good luck with getting the Fujinons - but why not aim for 40x150 - your eyes will accommodate the exit pupils further into old age. And here's how to mount it:


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