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Do you prefer to either stay up late to do your observing / imaging, or get up early? Or, do you do both, depending on what you want to view?

I think, as you might be able to tell, I prefer to stay up late - well, I don't have much choice at the moment due to my medication / condition keeping me awake. :hello2:

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If I can I love to go out as early as possible and come back as late as possible. Before my second kid arrived I managed an 8pm to 5.30am session two years ago - it was fantastic and if I could do that every night I'd be happy! I'm a night owl so have no difficulty staying up all night if I need to.

I'm utterly incapable of getting up early unless I have to (kiddies crying, wife kicking me out of bed), it takes about an hour for me to feel remotely human (even with coffee) :hello2:


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If its clear all night, I stay up all night, and have done that four nights on the trot at Kelling. On day five I could hardly complete a sentence :hello2:

But I'd rather be dragged through London by the short and curlies than get up early and do ANYTHING.

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Stay up late man as well.

This time of year if it's clear start observing about 8 and pack up about 1.

Start about 5.30pm go through to 6am quick shower and off to work...

Well thats what I am hoping (praying) for anyway...


But remember Billy you have a obsy to keep a little warmer.

I have to stand outside and freeze my bits off.

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Ive recently upgraded to using EQmod. Now with a long usb lead, powered hub, and gamepad I can control the kit from inside the conservatory.

Im not saying last night was cold, but I had a vest, t shirt, jumper, two coats and two hats on, and I still got chilled to the core. And thats sitting INSIDE :hello2:

Once I know the kit is working, I set my alarm and having 45 min naps if I can.

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Ive recently upgraded to using EQmod. Now with a long usb lead, powered hub, and gamepad I can control the kit from inside the conservatory.

Im not saying last night was cold, but I had a vest, t shirt, jumper, two coats and two hats on, and I still got chilled to the core. And thats sitting INSIDE :hello2:

Once I know the kit is working, I set my alarm and having 45 min naps if I can.

That is the route I want to go down when I eventually start imaging.

I have the consevatory so thats a start.

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Stay up late man as well.

This time of year if it's clear start observing about 8 and pack up about 1.

Start about 5.30pm go through to 6am quick shower and off to work...

Well that's what I am hoping (praying) for anyway...


But remember Billy you have a obs to keep a little warmer.

I have to stand outside and freeze my bits off.

No warm room in mine roof an depending on the wind direction the door open to keep it as near as possible to the outside temp.

I have had -4C out there already this winter...... it does keep the wind off though...

I relax in the reclining "bank" chair inside a sleeping bag...normally browsing The S&T Pocket Sky Atlas...

I do good impression of the Michelin man with all the layers - that's why i stay out as i overheat in mins if i come in...

Better than being truly outside though and enables the scope to be quickly ptotected if theres a sudden shower... I use a golf umbrella poked through the Zenith hole..

Cant wait for another all nighter...


Tut Tut TJ....you got to suffer a bit for the "art" :hello2: Besides which I always like to be there as the few occasions I have left it things have normally gone arwy... mainly dome alignment and camera issues :p

Until the Dome is motorised or the aperture made much larger - i'll stay out...

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I try and head out as soon as it's properly dark and then last until midnight, sometimes a bit longer. Last night I finished up at about 11:30pm and had to sit by the fire for 30mins to de-frost (I also had some other de-frost sessions during the evening). I get up early in the morning for work so early mornings don't bother me but I have yet to get up for an observing session.


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Do you prefer to either stay up late to do your observing / imaging, or get up early? Or, do you do both, depending on what you want to view?

I prefer to stay up late except when an event/target demands an early wake-up. Here's something different... sometimes I observe DSOs till moonlight begins to interfere, and then take a nap in the truck till the Moon gains enough altitude for decent observations. :hello2:

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