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Red torch too bright?

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Hi all, very simple question, but i bought this https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B01MY4WIW9/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 to help me stay dark adjusted when i'm outside, but i was quite taken aback by how bright it is, even on its lower setting. Its definitely red, but dazzling and unfortunately, you have to cycle to the lower setting. I ended up putting it in my shirt pocket and the light through the fabric was enough to read the star map with. 

I'm assuming that any  even a red light source will be bad if its too bright. Is that right? I can easily solder a resistor or put some acrylic over it.  Anyone else buy a torch and thought the red light was far too bright?


Lastly, i have stopped using my phone and ipad outside for star maps etc, but is the night mode on Stellarium considered acceptable in order to stay dark adjusted? I turn the keyboard light off when i use it of course.


Sorry for the basic questions. Thanks again and hope everyone is having a great weekend. 

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No such problem as a question that is too basic. When you're starting, you need somewhere friendly to help you get going, and SGL is that place. Ask away!... 

Yes, you most definitely can get red light torches that are far too bright for dark adjusted vision, and many of them are. Dim to an acceptable level with acrylic, or look for torches recommended by others. 

I don't use stellarium, so can't answer that question. What device are you running it on? 


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Thanks Ady, 


I'm running stellarium on my Dell laptop , but also have it on my Android phone. 

No clear nights in the near future for the south of the UK, but next time im out, ill make sure that i dim my torch. Cheers mate!

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Flashlights that I know that claim 3w output can't be trusted on their values, but yes, they are usually too bright, and if it is really 3w it is way too bright.

I prefer regular flashlights with red acrylic filter over their lens. Good ones have low enough low and good UI. 

I use ArmyTek Tiara A1 Pro (I had to add black foam cover to the switch, beacuse built in indicator light is too bright and impossible to disable). It is 0.2lm on lowest mode and with red filter it is low enough for close work. 2lm is good for walking around. You also want one with floody beam, not focused into a tight spot in the center. 

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It is not uncommon to be dazzled by bright red head torches at star parties; people seem to assume that because it is red it can be as bright as possible! Many of them are too bright, they really dont need to be very bright once you've got properly dark adapted. I've put black insulating tape over bright ones in the past which knocks them right back to useable levels. Just experiment which what works.

I use my phone with Skysafari, with the screen dimmed and in night mode. I confess I dont often observe in conditions which mean dark adaptation is complete, there is just too much LP round here so I'm not too strict when it comes to my phone. When at a dark site though it is much more beneficial to be careful and a sheet of red acetate over a screen will really help.

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Most red light torches are way too bright, even at their lowest setting, especially when you are observing under good conditions (NELM 5.5 or better; SQM-L 21+). You have to dim the light to a very low intensity (additional red acrylic sheets; red nail varnish). There are some specialized products available; have a look here:


When using a smartphone or tablet, I rely on the light shield "Red Eyes Cling Xtra Dark" from here:


(of course no affiliation etc. with these)

I've posted a review of the light shield here Aug.17th, 2017 (in Member Equipment Reviews).


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15 hours ago, Doc said:

I agree paint the lens with red nail varnish.

Same, that's a very good idea...ill raid my wifes makeup. Wouldn't be the first time...?

Thanks for all the replies everyone.

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