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What's the best deal on at the moment on a EQ6 Pro??


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695.00 for a EQ6 syntrac isn't going to be too far away from the price of a good cond. EQ6 synscan surely ? ( and that's if they even turn up !!)

As suggested, syntrac plus EQdir and you've got more than you requested ! :hello2:

EQ6 with EQmod is the way togo, forget Synscan.

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You are gonna miss the winter if you are not careful Kevin. The nights start getting shorter in just five or six weeks.

I have just taken the step of upgrading my EQ6 Pro to using EQMod. The bits to do it cost me about 70 quid all told, and that includes a 20 quid cordless gamepad from comet to control the mount. I was dubious at first, but EQMOD is the dogs danglies compared to Synscan. You have far greater control over the whole assembly, and are ready to be up and imaging or observing in about half the time. Also, as it all works over USB, you can move indoors if you like and operate remotely.

Out of interest, what do you plan to do that the HEQ5 wouldnt have done? Is your kit really heavy?

From experience, I would not hesitate to buy from either Steve or Bern, they both provide first class service. Steve has even gone so far as to send me his personal stock of an item when that was all that was available.

I bought my EQ6 from Simon at The Widescreen Centre. Although the price was non-negotiable, Simon was good enough to throw in various other items, including a battery pack and pier extension, along with an extra counterweight. Seems to good to be true? Well I bought it at the Spring star party at Kelling, and it saved him taking it all back to London. Paid around £849 IIRC, so the prices havent dropped much since then. You should find most of the prices to be about the same, typically those who dont have to hold stock can be a little more competitive, but I doubt very much you will find a certain retailer offering the things at a greatly reduced price.

Clocks ticking though.........

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I know we've all just said "dont get the Pro", but if you do, Optic Star are including a 2A power pack. Funny, 'cus I thought they drew more current than 2 amps. Thats £825. Some places still at £899.

I think you are getting mixed up with the syntrek for £749. Thats here look


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Some great advice you've had there Kevin. Thanks for taking the time to explain about the EqMod TJ.

After having advised another forum member in another thread that he should not give up voicing his opinions or refrain from posting because of the reactions you sometimes receive, I'm beginning to see why he would want to and might just do the same.

Never worry about making honest astro comment on SGL Roy. If people disagree that's fine, if they get upset that's their problem, if they make personal criticisms that's inappropriate. No one should ever worry about posting with good intent. Sometimes it's best to have a slightly leathery skin though :hello2:

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20 quid cordless gamepad from comet to control the mount.

explain how one links this up to mount? can this be any wireless gamepad?

Out of interest, what do you plan to do that the HEQ5 wouldnt have done? Is your kit really heavy?

yes, for dual scope setup - i have a WO 110 ED APO, C9.25 and a Meade 8" F/4 so any combo would be overloading the HEQ5 Pro, altho i did push it way past recommended limits anyway with a C9.25 + DSLR + Scopos 66mm + Meade DSI

Clocks ticking though.........

like i need reminding :hello2:

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The game pad means for me I can stand at the scope while the laptop is now inside, so I can do a rough align with the finder and then get dead on with phd's view inside.

Another thing, EQMod is much more accurate than synscan. Dont know why thats true, it just is. I find even a 1 star align gets the target onto phd's screen.

I didnt do anything special, the rumblepad worked out of the box with eqmod.

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eqmod has a joystick setting and the gamepad is a joystick in effect, albeit cordless. I dont know how it actually communicates, could be semaphore for all I care, all I know is that when you plug the controller in (before starting eqmod) then the controller will work the mount. You dont have to press no buttons or levers or switches or settings or anything. All works like magic. Pressing a button on the gamepad equates to pressing N,S,E,W on Eqmod, in fact you can even use a cordless mouse to move the mount. Why not test it out with an old joystick and eqmod in simulator mode. Click the display tab to see the commands are getting through. The gamepad talks to the pc, not to the mount. Eqmod talks to the PC, then translates for the mount. You can speed it up, slow it down, stop it dead, and more, all from the gamepad.

Did you get one then?? I see the red in your sig? One thing, I found the polar scope LED to be too bright for my skies, it is pretty easy to dim it down if you find the same.

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