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Ngc 891 from 16.11.2008


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This galaxy has been on my list for a while. Tonight was a mixed night with equipment experiments and imaging. I often do it that way when I know there will be no fantastic imaging done anyway. The moon washed out a lot of the sky giving me a limit of 3 minutes per exposure at iso 800.

Equipment wise I'm pretty close to full remote control using EQMOD via PC Direct mode and handcontroller. EQDirect interface is in the mail on its way :hello2: I also hope to guide with EQMOD and have managed to hook PMD up with the ASCOM drivers and EQMOD.

I did about 2 hour of exposures and threw maybe 1/3rd of them in the bin due to wind. That is the real downside of imaging with the newtonian as I see it.

Quite a lot of coma (reducer ordered with Ian king!) so look forward to 1000mm f/5 coma free images from me reals soon -)

I've used some of noel's actions in the image and faked flats with Pixingsight LE. No darks subtracted. Maybe later :p


(click to enlarge)

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I like the widefield image a lot Glenn.

Im glad you liked it, but I'm not sure if it classify as "wide field". There is plenty of room around the galaxy bit the size of it is only about 22' x 3'. I am pretty pleased with the 1000mm focal length of the Newtonian. I don't think I'd bother to image this with my megrez 90 @ f/5.5 (480mm).

The image is also a crop to get the worst coma out. With a corrector I hope to produce real cool "wide field" but up-close images of smaller targets like this :-)

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Nice image Glenn. I've no experience with Newts but I think I will give it a try soon. I need a faster instrument that don't brake the bank :hello2: and those SW's and GSO's seems really nice.

Do you anyone that is imaging with a GSO f/4 and a Canon DSLR?


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Nice one Glenn. I used to do the digital flats thing in Pixinsight, then I discovered that taking real flats takes about a minute..............

I need to build a light box. Sky flats is no option because I am at work at apropriate hours nowdays. Illuminated wall flats gave some nasty stains, but I hope a t-shirt and bright cieling flats will work .-)

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Nice one Glenn. I used to do the digital flats thing in Pixinsight, then I discovered that taking real flats takes about a minute..............

I need to build a light box. Sky flats is no option because I am at work at apropriate hours nowdays. Illuminated wall flats gave some nasty stains, but I hope a t-shirt and bright cieling flats will work .-)

I'm a t-shirt and point it at a white ceiling type myself. Works a treat. I finish my imaging run, take the scope off the mount and put it in the kitchen stood on end with my kitchen floods on, stick an old (but clean) bit of white t-shirt over it and set the exposure to auto. Takes about 30 seconds to do 10 or so flats. I even do the dark flats thing as well, well it all goes into the melting pot so it must do some good.

I haven't had a hint of vignetting since I started doing the flats.

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