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Getting back into imaging after a long break


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1 minute ago, JamesF said:

Is that using INDI's focusing algorithm?


Yes.  Actually KStars/Ekos with Astroberry Focuser INDI driver.

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Well that's a bit underwhelming then.  Is there perhaps some sort of configuration that says when you consider focus to be "good enough"?  Or does it keep trying to get the best it can?  (I've not looked at the focuser stuff yet)


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The sky's still clouded, though CO says 14% obscured, yeah right. Looks like the cloud base is lifting to the west as I'm seeing more of the Bridport glow. Will have to make a decision soon. Give it til 10.30, as I think it won't be worth opening up after that. Bet I'll get up to clear blue sky tomorrow.

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Tried autofocus on OIII and it seemed to work better.  Got a result of HFR = 1.6 px.  Focus = 753 (moved from 720).

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Capturing 50 OIII then I may have another go at SII wondering if it would be better with a shorter exposure to reduce the number of saturated stars.  I'll check focus too.  Focus should work just as well with any NB filter as they are all 3nm - at least for white stars and SII should be better for red stars than OIII.

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Just trying to work out if in the centre about 20% in from the top edge is the Crescent.  If so I might see if I can find a way to get two cameras to work and spend some time on the Crescent with the Photoline 72, and put a short focal length lens on a DSLR and get a wide field view at the same time.


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Still not an awful lot of data there, is there?  A little around one end of the Veil, and the slightest hint in the NAN.  Maybe a little more just below Sadr?  I think that's Sadr, at least.


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Yes, that's Sadr.  At least there's some there.  Perhaps I should try 3m subs - 4m produced badly saturated stars which would be difficult to process. 

Looks like there may be one or two hours more clear sky.   Whether I shall stay up that long remains to be seen...

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