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Getting back into imaging after a long break


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Just checked the subs captured overnight with Blink and there was quite a lot of cloud passing over after I went to bed.  Not many usable images.

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I've had the 'scope open at odd times today trying to sort out  yet another software issue with damn useless Sequence. I was going to try a live run tonight but with the cloud I've closed up.

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There's a forecast for a bit of clear sky here this evening, but not much.  Then again, lots was forecast last night and there wasn't much :)

I've been doing lots of tinkering today (connecting up USB hubs and guide scopes), so it would be nice to be able to give it a quick test.  Not the end of the world if I can't, though, as I don't have the filter wheel set up yet.  Still trying to work out how to do that without compromising the mechanical integrity of the optical train.


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Still solid cloud and it's got a bit misty too.  CO has changed from clear for several hours around midnight to not clear until 8am tomorrow morning.  Guess I'll leave it another hour or so then close up.

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I went out a few minutes ago but could only see Vega through a hole in the cloud. My Netweather radar was showing odd patches of rain so didn't leave the 'scope open. May have a look in an hour or so but not hopeful.

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My forecast has now started doing that "it's cloudy now, but it'll be clear in an hour" thing whenever I look at it.  I did catch a quick glimpse of Jupiter and Vega earlier though, so it's clearly thinned from earlier.


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I just nipped out to the observatory to pick up a filter wheel and the filters so I could put them all together and noticed the sky clearing.  Don't know if it's just a hole in the cloud though.

However, the seeing looks quite exceptional.  The Milky Way is *right there*, in your face.  I might have to go out and open up even if it is only an hour.


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Cleared here a bit too or rather it had where the rig is pointing (Cygnus) but just looked outside and solid cloud and mist.  The stars were visible enough to allow an autofocus run to work.  Image noticeably sharper.

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That's another bit sorted out 😀  I haven't yet got live image plate solving working as yet but that needs a good image and I haven't really had any of those.

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I've been trying to sort the focus on my first guidescope, but the clouds rolled in before I was finished :(  At least it "just worked" when I added everything to Ekos, which is very pleasing.

Far too many blue LEDs in the scope room now though.  I hardly need the scope room lights.  I shall be breaking out the insulting tape tomorrow.

Going to carry sit things out for a while and see if the sky improves again.  I have to configure up the second mount anyhow.


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I've now given up, too.  Reconfiguring the second mount took about thirty seconds, after which I was just chasing patches of clear sky to try to get the focus set.  I'm better off spending the time doing something else.


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