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Team Viewer Query


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I set my scope up at the bottom of the garden last night for the first time (it's usually on the patio). Team viewer linked ok and I was able to control guiding and image aquisition. BUT the images that were appearing on my Desktop indoors bore no relation to the images being captured by the scope. The images coming through to the desktop were so degraded (see photo) that I did not really know what sort of images I was actually getting. The laptop used was about 50 feet away or so.

Is there anything I can do to improve the quality of the images coming through to the desktop indoors?



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You can adjust the quality of the link to give better colour representation.  Your's is probably set to the default "Low".

It's a not obvious to find though.  From the TeamViewer app, go to Extras > Options > Remote Control > Quality > Custom Settings > Cutsomise Colours




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another in-built (windows) method would be to use remote desktop. Right click start window, select run, then enter 'mstsc' in the open box. you just then have to enter the name\ip address of the target pc, and push connect...

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4 minutes ago, Dr_Ju_ju said:

another in-built (windows) method would be to use remote desktop. Right click start window, select run, then enter 'mstsc' in the open box. you just then have to enter the name\ip address of the target pc, and push connect...

Only available in win 10 pro.. :)

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of course if you link is poor and you set any remote software display to high quality then you may find that connection's are jittery or your link breaks down. Remembering you are only as good as your weakest link.

You say your laptop was only "50 feet" away but if you were connecting to your home network what sort of signal are you getting at the scope - plenty of apps that will show you the "WiFi power" but it wont show you if your Wifi ( I assuming Wifi) link is being interfered with especially if you are using 2.4ghz and so are "next door" - especially true with BT as they share your wifi link - hence the claims about Wifi coverage.

So hopefully your change to Team viewer as described above works and the link is stable - but if not there are plenty of "Outdoor" Access point repeaters or maybe just by putting a repeater in the room nearest the Patio (assuming its clear to the kit at the bottom of your garden) that will improve your signal. 

Its great having a warm place to view the sky - especially on cold nights like last night ?

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35 minutes ago, Dr_Ju_ju said:

another in-built (windows) method would be to use remote desktop. Right click start window, select run, then enter 'mstsc' in the open box. you just then have to enter the name\ip address of the target pc, and push connect...

I tried that out with the laptop only 2 feet away and it said that the quality of the connection was poor.


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9 minutes ago, Dr_Ju_ju said:

Nope, remote desktop is available in all versions of windows, its just that you may have to jump through some more hoops to enable it....

There are guides ont' web....

Wow, I stand corrected, is ther a way to get a shortcut on desktop for it...

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Peter, was that over wifi or ethernet (wired) ? Wifi means going through the router, which may not be configured properly, wired is always best...

And yes, any running application can be right clicked & added to task bar \ desktop etc....

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16 minutes ago, Dr_Ju_ju said:

Peter, was that over wifi or ethernet (wired) ? Wifi means going through the router, which may not be configured properly, wired is always best...

And yes, any running application can be right clicked & added to task bar \ desktop etc....

Ok done that, was wanting to use to access rpi and Stellarmate,  it does not seem to work with that...

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16 minutes ago, Dr_Ju_ju said:

Peter, was that over wifi or ethernet (wired) ? Wifi means going through the router, which may not be configured properly, wired is always best...

And yes, any running application can be right clicked & added to task bar \ desktop etc....

My desktop is wired to the router, the laptop is WIFI. The router is a few feet away from the Desktop.


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It does work (I use it on all my Pi's & Rock's), but to use remote desktop with Stellarmate or any other Linux distro, you need to install Linux's XRDP (1st "sudo apt-get update" 2nd "sudo apt-get install XRDP") 

As I was saying, the router network configuration needs to be updated to enable fast local traffic throughput... what needs to be done, will depend on the router in use...

If you can, as a test, connect both of the pc's back to back, either through 2 cables to the router's hub or a single back to back cable, and then see what the performance is like  

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34 minutes ago, Dr_Ju_ju said:

It does work (I use it on all my Pi's & Rock's), but to use remote desktop with Stellarmate or any other Linux distro, you need to install Linux's XRDP (1st "sudo apt-get update" 2nd "sudo apt-get install XRDP") 

As I was saying, the router network configuration needs to be updated to enable fast local traffic throughput... what needs to be done, will depend on the router in use...

If you can, as a test, connect both of the pc's back to back, either through 2 cables to the router's hub or a single back to back cable, and then see what the performance is like  

I get error “unable to locate package XRDP”

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  • 2 weeks later...

I used TeamViewer for a while, but had it on so many computers they started thinking I was using it commercially...


Remote desktop is good but removes local control and also messes with sounds...


I now use tightvnc everywhere.... And VPN when connecting remotely... Works great and is very fast.

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