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My take on the Lunar Eclipse 2019


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Almost caught me by surprise.   Cloud suddenly cleared just after the start.  ACTION STATIONS !!!

The only method of getting 2-3 hours of images without houses and trees obscuring the view was to hastily carry a photographic tripod, my Equinox 80 and a modded 600D with long- life battery pack down the garden..... and then dutifully tweak the Alt-Az every 5  minutes or so.... What a carry on..!!!  These are some of the captures.


The modded Canon seems to have brought out the reds more than the lovely russet/amber that I could see visually, but hey-ho!....


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Thanks everybody.

Originally tried to do something in PhotoShop, but got lost in a plethora of video tutorials by enthusiastic types  assuming I knew what Layer masks were .  

Used Powerpoint 2007 in the end.

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6 minutes ago, Davey-T said:

Just be grateful you didn't take half as JPEGs and half as RAW

Ouch !!...  there are just so many things to get right.....  at 3 am in the morning !!... in the back garden...... with the added pressure that it might be another 10 years until it comes around again..   It's a certfiable hobby, but we are but moths to the flame.

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