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Hello. I am brand new to all of this. I came across a telescope and I have gotten excited about using it because I haven't had one since I was a kid....however, I know nothing about it. I need guidance on what I have, how to use it, or is it too advanced. I don't know what all I have here or what I need. All of this was in a storage unit that someone bought and they sold me all of this stuff for $100. They didn't know what it is or if it is complete and neither do I. Please help me with what this is, what its worth,  if its any good, and how to use it.  Thanks for any and all advice in advance!!!






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You got yourself quite a deal for that money, at least, if the scopes still work. That last scope is a classic Celestron C5 on its fork mount. If the optics are intact, that is a nice little scope, with a range of eyepieces as well. If the drive still works, even better. The first scope in the sequence looks like some sort of marine or military spotting scope.

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So is this stuff old?....like....used to be great but not like todays stuff?? Lol. I have a power cord and I see where it plugs in, but I don't know what it does and I don't want to do anything until I someone who knows about this stuff can tell me what to do, or maybe point me in the direction of a manual or something. I can take more pics if need be.....

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25 minutes ago, nsanedrummer said:

So is this stuff old?....like....used to be great but not like todays stuff?? Lol. I have a power cord and I see where it plugs in, but I don't know what it does and I don't want to do anything until I someone who knows about this stuff can tell me what to do, or maybe point me in the direction of a manual or something. I can take more pics if need be.....

Fairly old (4th quarter 1974, if I read the serial number right for the C5), but the C5 optical design hasn't changed much (except some improved coatings). Unless it it damaged, it should still be a useful little scope. My C8 is not quite as old,, but at a respectable 23 years old certainly no youngster. Still going strong though. The mirror of the C5 might need re-aluminizing, and I don't know what that would cost. The eyepieces (EPs) seem to be from roughly the same vintage. I see at least two Vernonscope Brandon EPs in the box, and these have a huge reputation. There also seems to be at least one (12mm?) EP that looks like a (volcano-top?) orthoscopic EP, also a quality piece (should be labelled OR 12mm or similar). The odd finder scope looks a bit older, but could still be a useful piece of kit (and might be a collector's item)

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So here a some pics of what is in the case.... 

58 minutes ago, michael.h.f.wilkinson said:

You got yourself quite a deal for that money, at least, if the scopes still work. That last scope is a classic Celestron C5 on its fork mount. If the optics are intact, that is a nice little scope, with a range of eyepieces as well. If the drive still works, even better. The first scope in the sequence looks like some sort of marine or military spotting scope.









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Hello, drummer.

I own a C5, this is really a great sharp little scope if the optics are intact. Post pictures of the optics so we can see the front transparent plate, the large mirror at the back, and the reflection of the smaller mirror on the large one. If they are dirty don't try to clean them now, the cleaning method depends on the type of dirt.

The set seems to lack a diagonal but that's no big deal, it's even an advantage when testing new optics, you'll be sure to see the scope's performance and not that of a maybe dubious diagonal. Given the age, if you do have a diagonal somewhere in the box, it's probably japanese (from Vixen), and thus very good.

You can point the scope manually until you know if the electric motor works. The old straight 5x24 is not very good but an angled modern 6x30 is cheap, you might also have to change its base, though.

Can you show the objective of the smaller scope that looks like it belongs in a tank? And also a shot of some landscape through it?

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You answered my request before I posted it, you must be telepathic. Prepare many swabs of soft cotton, and apply a little alcohol on them. Rub them very gently only once, and dump them to avoid spreading the dirt on the glass again. Then dry the plate with dry or barely wet cotton balls (microfiber is even better).

With the front side cleaned, the problem on the back side will be easier to assess.

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Lol!!!! I mean this in the MOST SINCEREST way I can say it....but all I read was German, and I don't speak German....lol...you said something about the CO2 processor reflecting proportional to the flux capacitor when the light is traveling at 88 mph....lol. In kindergarten English....what actually do I need to do?? You won't hurt my feelings because as I said...I know NOTHING. I really want a nice telescope, but maybe this is just too advanced for me at this point. However, I am not in a hurry and if ya'll have patience and overlook my stupid questions, then maybe soon I will know what a diagonal is....?

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The brass scope has an elbow that directs the light upward so you can place your eye at a convenient position when the scope points up. That is the diagonal, aptly named because it is well, diagonal. ?

Good diagonals are neither expensive nor difficult to find, and your C5 is not too advanced for a beginner, it's a basic scope from a time when they were simple.

Here is an example of a diagonal that fits the C5:


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