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ST102 focuser movement

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My recollection is (because I can't check right this moment) that there are a couple of grub screws on the top of the focuser body that press on a teflon(?) pad which in turn presses down on the top of the drawtube.  If there's a lot of movement in the drawtube it may be that those screws need some adjustment.


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Just had the assembly apart, against my better judgement (because I always have bits left over when I put it all back together) and I "think" I've found the culprit. At 120 degree angles are the three white...shims I guess they're called, that act as guides for the drawtube. The top one seems to be missing. Hopefully you can see in the image what I mean.


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I assume it has/had teflon strips that act as guides/shims. When I first got my new 130 EQ (some years ago) I had a problem which I traced to one teflon strip being displaced and another no doubt still being somewhere on the assembly plant floor. Fortunately its a relatively easy fix.

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