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Trouble stacking moon images


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Help! I'm losing the will to live!

A couple of weeks ago I was having trouble stacking a few lunar images using Registax and thanks to the good people on here I had some success with Autostakkert. However, after a good evening with the telescope on Saturday I've got 200 images of the moon to stack this time. However, both pieces of software just crash during the process. I've even tried with a small subset of the images (about 12) and the same happens. The software just hangs during the process.

Its not as though my laptop is a low spec one, its a core i7 with 16Gb ram and an SSD HDD! Any help greatly appreciated as this is doing my head in!


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I took over 200 images of the moon a few weeks ago with my 600D. Both AS2 and Registax couldn't handle the size. The answer was to use PIPP to resize the images and then stack in Registax. PIPP can also centre the moon in the images if you have a small drift in them and it makes it easier for Registax.

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