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Sir Patrick's Comments on recent images.


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Hi Everyone.

I have just been to see Sir Patrick and have been showing him the images on the Forum back to the beginning of October.

He was quite taken aback at some of the images and the amount of time you guy’s spend imaging an object.

He said it is amazing at what you are all producing compared to 20 years ago, and congratulates everybody on their work.

He very much likes Brendant’s double cluster and said “ what beautiful colours of the 2 red stars these particularly show well on this photograph”


Just thought you would all like to know.

Regards Trevor.

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I'm not surprised that Sir PM feels somewhat bowled over with the advances in astro images that have overtaken us in the last few years. I have some of his earlier books, dating from the '50s and '60s, both coffee-table type and more serious reading: and I can tell you, many of the images he had bound in those books, some of them courtesy of the 200" Palomar no less, are not a patch on much that can be seen on this forum today ... This is not to do Sir Patrick a discourtesy I should hope! - just that the technology wasn't around in those days!

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uld hope! - just that the technology wasn't around in those days!

Technology and just as important; communication. Forums like these enable amateurs like us to exchange knowledge at the speed of well.. not light, but at least electrons :-) Take the recent improvement in focusing tools as an example :-)

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'Amateur' someone who does it for love (not money) - sums it up really (except when you can't get focus, or the cables snag, or the USB hub won't work or... its clouds over just as you set up.. :) )


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