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EQ5 Acting up.

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I use this to power my mount when at home,  https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/12V-5A-CCTV-Power-Supply-Adapter-4-8-Way-Splitter-Cable-Recorder-Camera-Moniter-/192470992241?var=&hash=item2cd02a4571

Set up last night checked the level with just the legs mount and extension tube, then again with weights and scope on. Polar aligned using the Synscaniit app pscope was bang on but the hour angle was out by one say it was 11hr 29 minutes it was 11hrs 30minutes nothing in it really.

Two star aligned with Capella  and Bellatrix.

Went to first object I always start with something I know so NGC 457 half out the the FOV on left bottom side used PAE brought it back in. next M31 this was then half out on the top right of the FOV Used PAE brought it back Tried M81 not even in FOV and M82 still the same so cleared the PAE completely went to known star Caster way out again. it seems everything on left side of the first star I aligned with is way out on the left of the FOV anything on the right of the second star is right over on the the right of the FOV.

Obviously changed the daylight setting in the handset I have tried everything 

I cannot go to any new doubles if I dont know what I am looking for I cannot spot them as I dont know where they will be either bottom left top right or not even in FOV.

Has anyone got any ideas please I am flummoxed here dont know what to do feel like packing in and selling up.

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Have you made any changes or adjustments to your setup since it last worked properly?

When you did goto's to align with Capella & then Bellatrix were these slews as accurate as usual, or were they well off target? In other words is the inaccuracy present all the time or only after alignment?

If all your slews are short in RA it might be a slipping clutch,  or a stalling stepper motor perhaps due to imbalance, or increased friction in the axis, or intermittent or reduced power to the motor .


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First star is always out but second is usually very close.

I use a illuminated reticule to be as accurate as possible.

it's been like this for a while just getting worse.

I did notice when just tapping the right button to pull star in it drifts more than it should, took handset apart cleaned all contacts now it's doing the same with left hand button instead of right.

Took Mount apart in RA there was loads of play so tightened that up now free with no play.

I make sure scope is balanced.

Doing my head in I've tried everything I can think of.

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Here is a guide to servicing the eq5 (cg5 is virtually identical)


Look at the sections on adjusting the worm drives.

These adjustments are absolutely critical . Just 1/4 turn of the grub screws can make the difference between driving smoothly & intermittent stalling.

If your mount is old, just regreasing may make all the difference.

When I fitted Goto to my old eq3-2 (almost identical design) the motors would sometimes stall. ( you hear a BRRR sound instead of the usual whine)

I regreased & took time  getting the worm adjustments just right & now it runs like a dream.

BTW the nut that you tightened should not be rattling loose but should have some "springy" play since the worm shaft is located by two rubber O-rings. If it is dead tight now I would back it off a tad.

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Its not dead tight but not loose as it was i could move the spindle up and down 2/3 mm and when turned it it felt wobbly.

I think I have found someone who will do it for me going take it away for a couple of weeks and do it for me, thank you for all your help I appreciate it.

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When set up my EQ5, I use a compass to align the N leg

Been land down under, N leg faces south, and stand back about 10 paces from the mount when aligning north with the compass, and where I am, also 10deg East magnetic variation

Never do Polar alignment, as nothing to align with Southern Hemisphere 


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7 minutes ago, wookie1965 said:

Well it is definitely not a power problem had my battery box out with trickle charge I had 13.6 volts all the time and still missing targets by miles.

Power issues manifest themselves as motors stalling, handset crashing, resetting, etc.
Not small position errors.

If a stepper motor drive stalls due to mechanical issues, it tends do so in an obvious manner causing big errors.

Hope this helps, David.


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Try this to see if the fault is present in both axes or just one.

Do a 2 star align ending on say Capella.

Now do  a long goto to a recognisable star with the same DEC but avoiding a meridian flip. (so that only the RA runs). Note the amount of error.

Go back to Capella. Do a long goto to a star with the same RA. ( so that  only the DEC runs.) Note the error.

If there is only error on one axis you have narrowed it down.

If there is similar error on both it points to software/settings problem.

Another thought is could you borrow a handset to eliminate that as a cause?

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I don't know anyone near me with a handset.

When I set up tonight I did 2 star alignment using Aldebaran and Capella went to M36 it was there M37 and M37 were not in FOV went back to capella right out of FOV it was past the 3rd circle on the Telrad.

I did notice when aligning both Aldebaran and Capella pressing every other direction key the mount moves a tiny amount but the left one drifts further than it should when just tapped.

when I first got it Back after Damian (Mapstar) fixed it, the Altitude bolt had slipped under the lug it should push against. The mount was Bob on seems the more I use it the worse it gets.

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I polar align without the scope and weights then I check again when scope and weights have been added it's usually a tad out I fix that and make sure both bolts are tight against each other so there should be no movement all I can do is set up and see if after a couple of slews check polar alignment again see if it has moved.


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