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Billy Goes back to the Flame and HHN - after the dark stuff - ReProcessed


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Im intruiged by the faint nebulosity around the Flame and HHN so decided to try and go deeper on the target last night (or should that be this morning) in particualr after the darker stuff that the classic HHN pops up out of...

In an attempt I upped the "speed" to ISO1600 and took 24x300s subs compared to 19x300s at ISO800 on Tuesday Morning..

Heres the result - remeber the whole point of this exercise is to leave in the fainter stuff that normaly gets processed out for a black sky....


(click to enlarge)

I might try combinign the data from Tuedasy and this morning...



Ok I Combined 19x300s @ ISO800 with 24x300s @ ISO1600 and had a play trying to find the middle ground between the black sky and faint neb stuff...


(click to enlarge)

What do you think?

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Well i'm certainly not going to argue with you guys (Steve,Rog and Rob) ...but .

..there had to be a but...

These look cut out and stuck on rateher than natural....if natural is the right word...

Probably its a reaction as i went through a phase where i was grossly overprocessing and have now swung too far the other way....



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I like the first one - as you say the purpose is to get the faint stuff so I think the dark neb you've extracted below the flame - looks like a big wishbone - is great. Well done!!!


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