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Lunar Video - Takahashi FS60 + ASI120mc


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The plan was to take some lunar video with the little Tak 60, then switch to the Heritage 100p f/4 Newt for comparison, but clouds happened! Instead here is a short video of the Moon with the Tak with some creepy music. 


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8 minutes ago, heliumstar said:

Haha. Nice video btw. Tak is certainly tempting me. Not helping seeing how much fun people have with them. Now just explaining my lady I am buying it for my next year new year's present?

How are you finding the little Tak?

lol yeah it can be tricky explaining the cost for such a small scope.

I'll try and sum it up. Part of it is knowing you're not missing out on purity of view for a given aperture, these Tak's are very well figured and engineered bits of kit! They can soak up magnification really well, I use a Vixen 3.4mm HR on planets and the Moon but I'm sure it could take more, the image gets dimmer but it certainly doesn't degrade! The build quality makes me think it with still be in service 100 years from now with no problem, maybe much longer. Literally the only complaint I have is the single speed focuser, but this can be upgraded.   

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