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Hello from southwest Texas!


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Which is not where I live, but it's where I went to do some imaging -- darkest skies of any national park in the continental USA, they claim.

I totally underexposed the Veil, which led to all sorts of processing sins trying to extract some nebulosity. 15 x 120", ISO 1600.

And I got weathered out after only a few frames of M42, which was a pity. 7 x 120", ISO 800.

But M8 and M20 worked pretty much as planned. 28 x 180", ISO 800.

Well, other than when they set and I tried to move to the Veil, the telescope fell out of the saddle, smooshing the guide camera way out of focus. Absurdly lucky that no permanent damage seems to have been done.

Everything with a Stellarvue SV70t-IS and its flattener/reducer, iOptron CEM25P, Pentax K5iis, Orion 50mm guidescope and an ASI 120MC-S (at least for the M8/M20 one).

Other images from the incredible landscape, critters, and plants from the trip at rickwayne.zenfolio.com/bigbend2018. Enjoy!


m42_photoshop_stacked 1280.jpg

2018_1009_m20_photoshop_mean_stacked 1280.jpg

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Nice shot - it's difficult to know when processing becomes "painting" and stops being data manipulation - I'm very paranoid about that - but I like both your examples of this object - maybe the first one a bit more?

I think the only thing that I notice on the first one is that the surrounding stars and space look a bit red too - and so it's lost that natural feel the second one has.

Either way - great work ?


btw - I grew up in Chicago and Watertown, Wisconsin, many is the cloudy night here in the UK I wish I was back under the rural skies of southern Wisconsin ?

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