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SGP and two scope setup, one PC


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I want to get my TEC140/Atik460 and FSQ85/Moravian 8300 going simultaneously, side-by-side on the same mount and with a guide-scope.

I'd rather use one mount top capture PC if I can.   I've checked that I can use two simultaneous instances of SGP on one PC and indeed this works fine.  And I can assign different bits of kit to each of the instances.  So I am pretty good to go.

My issue is that it is that when you open SGP it opens a set of small windows for focus/filters etc.  Issue with two instances is that it is then impossible to work out which of these little windows belongs to which instance on the monitor display.  Sure I could use a second PC for the second instance but would rather avoid that if I can possibly can.

Any thoughts from someone who has done this?  

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....  edit, I meant to say that I use remote desktop into the mount top PC and I can do this from a second PC I have as my viewing PC in the obs or from my MAC in the house (or my Ipad when in bed to check up on things :) ).  This works great.  However, it also means I can't use two desktops and have an instance of SGP on each desktop.

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I use this method - after configuring the two instances I save them with relevant names i.e. QHY163 Camera 1 and HEQ5, QHY Camera 2. I also configure the module layout in each instance differently to make them easier to identify (the one not controlling the mount doesn't need the mount module displayed etc.) Whenever I start a new project, I use the two saved instances of SGP and tweak as neccessary.

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 Using a remote VNC connection I open the second instance in a new desktop and then use the shortcut keys Win + Ctrl + Left/Right arrow keys to switch between them. I have CdC and PHD2 in a third desktop. Depending on your VNC client it may have to be full screen to enable the shortcut keys to work over a remote connection. Click on Task View in the task bar to enable the option to create a new desktop.


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Same as Alan, I usually create four Windows desktops. One for each camera, one for PHD and one for all the rest. This works great and it's easy to switch between them. There are some apps which struggle with this a bit and seem to come up on all desktops (like the Avalon StarGo) but they can be easily minimised.

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