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How to force a scope to do a meridan flip prior to imagining

Wirral man

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Hi all had a good night last night but when using APT how can I force the scope to point the right way ie after flip? My target was ngc7000 North American nebula and when I was setting up my guiding kept playing up that's when I realised eqmod was displaying meridan limit reached but I cant find a way to force the scope into flipping so I can get on with imaging,

seams I just have to wait and let time do it which is kind of annoying is there a method for this please thanks 

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Can't do it prior to reaching the meridian. Mine won't do it automatically. It will keep going. I stop guiding and tell it to GOTO the target I'm on. It does the flip and switches sides then. Let it finish and then use one of your previous images for a Goto++ and it will PlateSolve it's way back to where you were centred to within a few pixels!

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The latest beta version of APT supports an auto meridian flip. I tested it 2 night ago and last night I went for it. It does a really good job. It put my target in the exact same position as before the flip.

You give APT control over phd2 and after the flip it resumes the guiding very nicely.

I watched it doing it and it's great.

It has some problems in the ccd department but with a dslr it works very good.

You just need to setup the platesolver properly and you're good to go.

I've been waiting for this for quite a while. The full release 3.60 will also support control over the lacerta mgen standalone autoguider and an auto meridian flip will be possible with that one too.

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