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3 hours of wasted Andromeda :(


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Well, I thought I was going to have a pretty good image of Andromeda until I checked the light frames the today... Looks like I didn't spend enough time getting the focus right! :( Might try stacking anyway and see what I come up with but it's not looking promising from this sub... All the others are the same as well :(

90 Seconds, ISO 800, 130PDS, APT.

I did try some subs using PHD but it seemd to introduce more movement rather than less which I found weird. I'm guessing I just haven't set it up properly...


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Stack them - there is some data there you just need to give it a stretch with curves (or levels).


I also used Gradient Xterminator on your jpeg. ( I will run your stacked jpeg through GX if you give me a yell)



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The more I look at it, the more I'm thinking it is a collimation issue... I don't have a coma corrector unfortunately. I'll give it a go at stacking and see what Gradient exterminator does for the final image :) Fingers crossed it wasn't a completely wasted night! :)

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2 minutes ago, simondodd said:

The more I look at it, the more I'm thinking it is a collimation issue... I don't have a coma corrector unfortunately. I'll give it a go at stacking and see what Gradient exterminator does for the final image :) Fingers crossed it wasn't a completely wasted night! :)

Could be, but distortion is to one side. It's probably a combination of problems - tilt, collimation, polar alignment... If all your subs are the same then I can't see you rescuing much, I'm afraid. It's always a good idea to take some single stubs of a star field and examine them closely for aberrations before embarking on a long run. Pays to be cautious :) Once everything is up and running ok, then you can go on to targets.

All the best!


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Well after stacking and a bit of processing this is what I have. Not much point in processing it further really apart from for some practice... I guess the stars in the bottom left were so out that DSS decided they weren't there...


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