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A  couple of recent sketches using different mediums, to create an impression of what can be seen on the giant planet even at low power and with relatively small scopes. I note some great images posted already.   Chris.     S1010004.thumb.JPG.67d766b5b2c7f08c9b6ec1515ab897c6.JPG

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In your sketches, have you used the pencils neat or have you used water to create the final effect. 

I've lots of drawing ink pens and various grades of graphite pencils, but never used water soluble  pencils before.
I've always just lightly sketched my images with pencil, wetted the paper then applied watercolours by brush, as/when needed.

 I've just had a look on you tube, and once the water hits the water soluble pencil, there's quite a contrast/intensity to colours considering how they first  appear prior to the application of any water.

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