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The Bubble Neb - Atik v Canon


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Here is my latest Atik 383L+ image, with 12nm Astonomik Ha filter.  9 x 600s subs taken last night.

I've attached a 2017 version of this taken with my Canon 1000d.

There were 8 hours of data with the DLSR, versus the 1.5 hours with the CCD.  The same scope and location for both images, sky conditions unknown.


Thanks for looking.




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Great capture and processing. The difference in data need is a winner by itself.  I assume the CCD image is on the right?  The right one is better defined--sharper.  But the one on the left is pretty good too.  But don't think you will be saving time.... You will spend the same amount of time and make much better images.   Just think what 8 hours of CCD data would look like!  However, I think there is more nebula lurking in the data (unless the Moon washed it away).  Here is a single 30 min Ha sub (3um filter).  Its only a single, uncalibrated, unprocessed sub--- not meant for aesthetical viewing.  But it illustrates the point about surrounding nebula.  Even with 600 sec subs instead of 1800sec subs--9 of them is an hour, while this image is half of that.  Maybe clipping has stolen some nebula.  Not sure.


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3 minutes ago, Rodd said:

Great capture and processing. The difference in data need is a winner by itself.  I assume the CCD image is on the right?  The right one is better defined--sharper.  But the one on the left is pretty good too.  But don't think you will be saving time.... You will spend the same amount of time and make much better images.   Just think what 8 hours of CCD data would look like!  However, I think there is more nebula lurking in the data (unless the Moon washed it away).  Here is a single 30 min Ha sub (3um filter).  Its only a single, uncalibrated, unprocessed sub--- not meant for aesthetical viewing.  But it illustrates the point about surrounding nebula.  Even with 600 sec subs instead of 1800sec subs--9 of them is an hour, while this image is half of that.  Maybe clipping has stolen some nebula.  Not sure.


So was that with your ST8300...?.

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1 hour ago, celestron8g8 said:

Very njce capture , love the b&w version ! 


Thanks! I’m hoping to add some more to this. I did get some Oiii as well but I’m not having much luck with it so far!

45 minutes ago, LightBucket said:

Very nice, are you enjoying that 383...??

Thanks W. Yes absolutely. It’s very simple to use in reality, certainly not much different to the DSLR 

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49 minutes ago, Rodd said:

Great capture and processing. The difference in data need is a winner by itself.  I assume the CCD image is on the right?  The right one is better defined--sharper.  But the one on the left is pretty good too.  But don't think you will be saving time.... You will spend the same amount of time and make much better images.   Just think what 8 hours of CCD data would look like!  However, I think there is more nebula lurking in the data (unless the Moon washed it away).  Here is a single 30 min Ha sub (3um filter).  Its only a single, uncalibrated, unprocessed sub--- not meant for aesthetical viewing.  But it illustrates the point about surrounding nebula.  Even with 600 sec subs instead of 1800sec subs--9 of them is an hour, while this image is half of that.  Maybe clipping has stolen some nebula.  Not sure.


Thanks Rodd. There possibly is more, my processing leave a lot to be desired.  But bear in mind that I’m using a 12nm filter, there is no astro darkness, although there was no moon, at F6.4.

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That is a nicely defined Bubble on the right if I may say so.

Those Mono-CCD do produce some epic detail in very little time.   My first Ha shot of the PacMan nebula had so much data in it, I thought I had walked in front of the scope with the headtorch on !!

The great thing about a mono CCD is that you can just keep on adding data .... and wavelengths .....  at a later stage, and deep down you know that you could not really have acquired any better at that moment.   A DSLR is a great One Shot device, but all my Canon 600D stacked captures have stayed "as is"", whereas my ATIK 414ex stuff is being combined in all sorts of ways...and will get added too ....   I think this make sense..??  ......

Keep the images coming Adam.   I'm out tonight, might go for a RGB galaxy or two.



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17 hours ago, tooth_dr said:

Thanks Rodd. There possibly is more, my processing leave a lot to be desired.  But bear in mind that I’m using a 12nm filter, there is no astro darkness, although there was no moon, at F6.4.

AHHH--no astro dark.  That may explain it.  With narrowband I always start in Nautical dark (last 20 minutes of it) but most of the subs are captured during astro dark.  So you are probably correct.  They need to design a sensor that can distinguish photons by their redshift and exclude ones originating in our solar system--then we could image in daylight!


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