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Skywatcher AZ5 - what is the max OTA diameter it will take

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I have the AZ5 which supports my Heritage 130P. I have been considering buying a 150mm OTA but wonder whether the tube will hit the top of the mount in the horizontal position. If the 6" Newt has a long tube its better that the mount is set to the low profile position - hence the query. I appreciate  that it would be OK using the high profile setting but a long tube will hit the legs when vertical.

So has anyone with the new AZ5 mounted an OTA greater that 130mm?

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I used to use my Intes MN61 6" mak-newt on the AZ-4 mount (remember that night at Lucksall Mark ? :icon_biggrin:) and it didnt hit the mount at all. Don't know if that helps, apart from bringing back some great memories :dontknow::icon_biggrin:

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Thanks for your information Red Dwarfer. In the instruction manual it states that the payload for the Heavy Duty Tripod is 9kg. The standard portable tripod is, as you stated, is 5kg.I currently use a metal tripod so it should support a 6" Newt. Before I purchase a new OTA I would like to know whether it will fit into the dovetail without hitting the tripod top or the slow motion  knobs.

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I decided to ask OVL to see if they could answer my query. I had a reply this morning - 

We checked with the factory that the maximum diameter OTA possible is 200mm, but the AZ5 is designed for short focal length telescopes than the 150PL and a long OTA will foul the tripod legs in certain elevated positions.

I was thinking of buying an Orion VX6 in the future or maybe a Skywatcher 150PL as a planet killer. So at least I know that the Orion will fit and it is fairly light for an OTA.

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