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NGC4535 + NGC4526


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Great shot.   

I really like images of galaxies that have more than one discernable object in the frame   ( sorry, it that offends the faint and fuzzy brigade ). 

Even better is when they have contrasting structures.   (M81/M82 is a good example, so is the Leo Triplet...).    Here is another to have a go at.

Many thanks for posting.

(PS. hope it's visible from +53'N)

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Thanks everyone. I do like this contrast between the two main galaxies with such differing structures and orientation despite being so close together.  Wim, when I started processing I didn't realise that NGC4526 had this dust lane, reminiscent of the Black Eye galaxy (although more subtle).  A fun pair to capture and process.

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That's a tremendous pairing. I'm amazed that it isn't presented more often. I don't recall seeing it before at all, so well done Peter. Stunning detail in both galaxies and tantalizingly so in the case of the lenticular's core! Your hints of detail are clearly confirmed by the Hubble image: https://www.google.fr/search?q=ngc+4526&rlz=1C1CHFX_enFR777FR777&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=7N88nBdzjI5KvM%3A%2CINvCAMtkDgImvM%2C_&usg=__FZ2y0kzcYlFphl0gBn2QWN_OOpY%3D&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi7_ZTgjLzbAhWG7xQKHRI_C6kQ9QEIOjAC#imgrc=7N88nBdzjI5KvM:

Might the colour balance be slightly low on the reds? The bright star just above the lenticular is a K2, so well into the red end of things. 


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1 hour ago, ollypenrice said:

Might the colour balance be slightly low on the reds? The bright star just above the lenticular is a K2, so well into the red end of things

Olly, you're spot on! My inexperience is showing: the star came out deep red, so I thought my colour balance was wrong and pushed the red right down! I'll take another look at the colour balance. 

Just as well I didn't clone stamp out that dust lane in NGC2456 thinking it was a processing artifact!

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