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SGL moves ahead!!!


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Congratulations to all :undecided::) you only get out what you put in and the mods put a lot in :salute:

I've only been here a year and i might not post a great deal but i read all the new topics everyday it's a fantastic site so informative for us newbies.

keep it going :hello1:


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Great news, it deserves to do as well as it does.

I've found this forum to have a great feel to it, most of the posters seem to be able to communicate easily with other human beings, which I'm afraid can't be said for some other places!

There's also a wealth of information and experience here, and this seems to be easily given, not crumbs dished out grudgingly by sad folks with nothing else to make them feel happy apart from showing their superior knowledge in some obscure department :undecided:



Well put Rob. I don't think anyone would be allowed to be a knob on here. I've had nothing but helpful and enthusiastic replies to my many inane questions since I joined less than a year ago. Without this forum I wouldn't be half the budding astronomer/imager that I am now. I recognise the wealth of real talent here, it's a pleasure and a privilege being a part of it.

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I started on S@N in feb this year, I like most of the people up there, got a couple of nice buddys out of it for sure but of late I've found a couple of members to be a bit on the elitest side over what's teh best scope/mount to use etc. which is really not doing astronomy or me any good at all as I have to say something, which puts me in a bad light I feel, I quite often find myself rattling off a post and then not sending it as I feel that someone will try and contradict me and I really can't be bothered to fight over it.

On the flip side I like the way SGL has loads of different sub-forums and no one gives anyone any carp over what setup they have. Bins, fracs, scts, newts, goto, driven or manual, £150 or £2k it makes no difference to the well informed answers you get, it creates a real air of togetherness.

I tried CN as well as its supposed to be a good forum and it has a similar sub-forum setup to SGL but again, I found a similar attitude to the one on S@N on the particular sub-forum that I wanted to frequent. I found people that are supposed to be gurus advising people on kit they don't own as if it were gospel, which leads to a lot of myth...

Well done SGL and the mods, I particularly like the attitude towards wrong doing, I've made genuine mistakes on a couple of posts and was approached in a professional manner by different mods, given the opportunity to adjust my posts and treated liike an adult instead of a mischievous child, very refreshing indeed. Thanks for letting me be here guys :undecided:

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It's a bit rough people getting all funny about equipment. Here on SGL I think most people understand that there's a range of budgets, leading to a very wide range of setups. A 15.00 GBP set of Binos from Lidl is just as enjoyable and rewarding as far more expensive options IMHO.


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