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Where is Rosetta now?


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It's hard to believe that the final touchdown of Rosetta onto the surface of comet 67P was just over 18 months ago.

I loved watching this mission and followed every update, and watched every live event I could - especially the Philae landing and Rosetta final descent live.

I bet many people have forgotten about it but on ESA's Rosetta page there's an animation showing the original journey, right up to the comet's position when Rosetta came to rest.


It's brilliant, you can move around and zoom in an out as the spacecraft catches up with the comet.

The background is even more impressive, as it somehow amplifies the distances between us and the rest of the milky way.

Just to see that, is worth a visit to the page.

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Epic mission ?  Did you know you can get t-shirts of the 'tour'? https://www.rosettashop.eu

I'm actually doing a PhD with Rosetta ? at the OU.  I'm working on multiscale data - so comparing in situ with ground based (both pro and amateurs).  This is my first year (part time) so just getting going really.  But loving being involved. Off to a Rosetta mission meeting in Rhodes in June.  Excited, me ???


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