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Frustrating Pristine Night

Captain Scarlet

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I got my Skymax 127 out last night to cool 4 hours ahead of viewing time. I had a list prepared which included Hind's Crimson Star, Herschel's Garnet Star, M51, Rigel (to detect its double), Winter Albireo, Almach, Polaris B. I really should have done more homework. It turned into a slightly frustrating evening.

By the time I was able to get out, pretty much everything I'd listed was imminently due to disappear behind trees or not to appear for hours. In addition, a group of houses next door have installed some pathway lights which are dazzling, I'm going to have to erect some strategic fence-panels, I think. See an image I took below for an idea of the shadow I'm casting.

I did see Herschel's Garnet, I think, but it appeared the same colour as Betelgeuse rather than red ... is there something orange in its vicinity which I might have mistaken it for?

I definitely saw Polaris B, I always like that; "Winter Albireo" I observed for the first time, it was beautiful but Almach, a real beauty, was behind a Magnolia Grandeflora so I couldn't compare; Rigel was behind an oak by the time I got to it, I saw able to see it but not enough to try for it as a double; Hind's Crimson was similarly hidden; M51 was obscured by my very tall house to the East and by the time it might've cleared the top parapet my fingers were going numb and it was approaching 0200.

Still, I'm a fairly inexperienced observer, lessons learned and all that...

Cheers, Magnus




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The joys of urban observing Magnus.

I find myself dodging a lot of obstructions , and you’re quite right, it takes some careful planning. Glad you enjoyed it which it the main thing, all else will come in time ?

I find mu Cephei (aka Herschel’s Garnet Star) to be more orange than red. This might be of interest https://www.aavso.org/vsots_mucep . I suspect you did indeed find it.


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There are always good nights and less good nights. Takes a bit of practise too, tonwork everything out as you are finding. Good to have a backup plan incase things are easily found.

I found that Hind's Crimson star was incredibly red, not orange at all, so perhaps have another go at it.

EDIT Wrong star! Hind's is red, the garnet star more orange so looks like you got it.

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9 minutes ago, Stu said:

There are always good nights and less good nights. Takes a bit of practise too, tonwork everything out as you are finding. Good to have a backup plan incase things are easily found.

I found that Hind's Crimson star was incredibly red, not orange at all, so perhaps have another go at it.

EDIT Wrong star! Hind's is red, the garnet star more orange so looks like you got it.

you've just upped my anticipation levels for Hind's :happy11:

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I had a frustrating night last night too, doubly so because I had a cracker earlier in the week. Dew problems on the finder, grrrr. Couldn't even find M52 (had to use the 32mm as the 'finder' but I'm far too inexperienced to be able to get away with that). I think I just wasn't 'feeling' it. No mojo. 

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I've always found the Garnet star to be more orange. I saw Hind's crimson star recently and it's properly red. I'd describe it as traffic light red! It wasn't super bright when I saw it, certainly compared to the Garnet star so make take a little more time to find but worth it.

I use an observing hood to block out all the various security lights and street lights when observing from home. Helped me quite a lot. Member review here:


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I suppose it's quite subjective, and  these stars are also variable!  For me: Herschel's Garnet Star - orange; Ahad's Ruby Star - orange; Hind's Crimson Star/Vampire Star - VERY orange (the best of those three).

And a dozen Carbon Stars two nights ago - all orange!


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1 hour ago, Littleguy80 said:

I've always found the Garnet star to be more orange. I saw Hind's crimson star recently and it's properly red. I'd describe it as traffic light red! It wasn't super bright when I saw it, certainly compared to the Garnet star so make take a little more time to find but worth it.

I use an observing hood to block out all the various security lights and street lights when observing from home. Helped me quite a lot. Member review here:


thanks neil, I may well get one


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57 minutes ago, cloudsweeper said:

I suppose it's quite subjective, and  these stars are also variable!  For me: Herschel's Garnet Star - orange; Ahad's Ruby Star - orange; Hind's Crimson Star/Vampire Star - VERY orange (the best of those three).

And a dozen Carbon Stars two nights ago - all orange!


Doug yes your list did not escape me, I shall be using it, thanks :icon_biggrin:


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