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Stacking vs single frame


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I made a very feeble attempt at stacking 6 or 7 frames from my phone this evening to see what the results were.

I got them onto my PC, ran them through PIPP, then AutoStakert then finally IMPPG.

Did I know what I was doing? Not at all! I managed to get this one image stacked properly but could not get the Schröder's Valley stack to align properly. I've know idea why. I need to try some tutorials to get that sorted as the Shröder's valley images could be quite good.

Anyway, here are the two images for comparison, one single stack and the other 6 or 7 frames stacked and processed. I think you can see the additional detail and reduced noise. Would be great to get 20 or 30 frames to improve it more.



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Nice result, I am on the fence a bit here with my Mak and DSLR I actually prefer a single frame taken in RAW as opposed to a stack made from a lower resolution with the camera in video mode. The results I get by stacking 3 or 4 stills are usually better but not by much.


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15 minutes ago, MarsG76 said:

The top image (stacked I presume) looks cleaner.... still both are surprisingly good for a phone shot.. awesome.


Actually the bottom image, the 'whiter' of the two, is the stacked one.

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10 minutes ago, Alien 13 said:

The top one shows more detail for me...


Well that may well be the case, you can't all be wrong :) 

I had been focusing on the terminator, but I think a lot has been lost on the surface detail which is what you are all seeing. I did say I didn't know what I was doing! :) 

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1 minute ago, Stu said:

Well that may well be the case, you can't all be wrong :) 

I had been focusing on the terminator, but I think a lot has been lost on the surface detail which is what you are all seeing. I did say I didn't know what I was doing! :) 

It does show the effect of focus shift/seeing that we get between frames, I expect that over a large number the effects even out which is why stacking ultimately works.


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