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Observing on Friday, 2-24-06


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Finally grabbed a chance to do some observing Friday night. Nothing big, just dragged out the 6" F/9.5 Dob next to the dome to do some poking around. Started with, of course, Saturn. At 96x, she looked amazing, with the Cassini division easy and 4 moons visible. Seeing was very steady and the temp was ~15ºC. Transparency was excellent. Moved to M42 at 45x. Lots of detail, filaments and stars. M43 seemed attached. Iota Orionis was very flashy, with lots of color present. Popped back up to M44 after apologizing having missed it while I was there before. Couldn't fit it all in the FOV at 45x, but the central Beehive asterism was just contained. Dropped down to M41 at 45x. Nice, but better in binos. Up to M46, since we'd been talking about it. Couldn't quite pick out the PN, but I didn't try too hard either. Didn't see it at 96X and bumped the scope changing to 144x, so I moved on. Put the 32mm back in and swung over to M47. Nice, fainter dense cluster. No really bright stars, but a nice clump. Pushed up to M35 in Gemini. Another big, not so bright cluster with tons of stars at 45x. Figured I'd drop down to M78. Not much to see, even at 96x, but I was happy I could even find it with the Dob, (I don't practice too much with this scope. I prefer my C8, thank you very much. Nice on planets, though.) :laugh: Swing over to a disappointing M45. Couldn't see much of it, due to the small FOV. Bright, is all I can say. Up to M36 and 38 in Auriga. Both were easy. Bright, compact and splendid! Seeing was still nice and steady, so I figured I try M1. Found it easily with the 32mm and cranked up to 96x. Smallish smudge. 144x revealed very, very subtle mottling and darker regions within. Made me shout out! Not bad for a 6"! :laugh: I was feeling lucky, so I thought I'd try a galaxy or two. M66 and 67 in Leo were both seen in one FOV at 45x. I could tell which was which pretty easily. M65 is nearly edge on while M67 is more face on. M66 has a bright core and M67 seems more diffuse. Tried for Ngc 3628, but failed. That suprised me a little, but what the heck. Bopped over to M109 in Ursa Major rising up in the east. It's a nice barred spiral, but I couldn't find that one either. (Boy, I need more practice with a Dob!) Failed to find M81 and 82. Just when I thought I was losing it, I bagged M53 in Coma. Nice globular with a compact core and some stragglers. I show this one to the public alot, too. It's great at high powers and dark, clear skies. Just for fun, I pointed the scope in the direction of M104, the Sombrero Galaxy. Much to my delight, I found it, first try! Excellent at 96x, I could just make out the dust lane at 144x. Decided to try acouple double stars to cap it off, Algeiba in Leo and Cor Caroli in Canes Venatici. Algeiba is a nice orange/yellow pair very close. Cor Caroli is an easy, bright pair, but spectacular! Tried for Ngc 4565 by jumping off the Coma Cluster, but couldn't find it. (The Ngc, not Mel 111.) Figured it was time to quit, so I pegged Saturn once more and called it a night.

Had a real ball! Can't wait for the Messier Marathon! 8)

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Sounds as though you had a great time star hopping, or should I say cluster hopping?

Envious of you seeing conditions, weather etc. Its snowing and blow hard here, wall to wall cloud.


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FYI, here's how I find M1:

Locate Aldeberan, the bright red star in Taurus. It's located at the left-hand side of the "V" of the Hyades star cluster. This side of the "V" points to the star Zeta Tauri, the bright star just below Auriga. Center Zeta Tau in the EP, then move up and right one or two fields of view. M1 should be seen as a small, cloudy, oval patch. It's just over one degree from Zeta.

Did I mention I found all the objects above without a chart? :laugh:

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nice one Astroman , really enjoyed reading that , i must maybe spend and evening viewing , would make a change for me . although having said that i,m at this moment imaging the california nebula , and on the puter screen it looks hug and fantastic, lets hope it processes ok . but anyway excellent report


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