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Bang for the buck?

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As the stars have all gone on holiday I have had a lot of frustration as, I'm sure, a lot of you have too. I have done the usual computer simulated staring up, but it just doesn't do it for me. Cloudy Starry Night Pro is a fabulous toy but it lacks the "been there" bit. More like watching a TV program about somewhere foreign and exotic than actually going there. It lacks the taste, smell, feel, COLD, of the real thing.

So lets have a heated debate!

What do you feel gives the best bang for the buck in equipment terms?

It could be any of the following:-

You need to spend most of the budget on the 'scope as eyepieces, filters and other add ons will accumulate as time and money allow.

Get ANY 'scope as paralasis by analysis will kill the whole thin dead if you don't do it NOW.

Modify what you have with a new Crayford / mirror/ red dot finder / you name it.

Use the 'scope that you have and add imaging gear / eyepieces / filters / Barlows and focal reducers until you NEED a better 'scope.

These are suggestions only, feel free to add your own wishlist here.

I'm interested in where people want to be in, let's say a year from now, given normal financial circumstances (i.e. no lottery win)

Have fun!

Captain Chaos

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Well CC i,m pretty happy now with what i have , the only thing maybe would be .like Arthur a 5 inch FAST APO, i think that would be it really , and to set myself up with a good but easy Auto guiding system , i think my main spending days are coming to an end , after spending over 12k on this hobby so far , it has to halt , lol i,m satisfied with what i have now will take me through what i want to achieve


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Interesting question CC

Would love a 5 or 6" apo refrctor, but know I'll never afford one so -

Quite happy with my Megrez at the moment and imaging with my 350D, so there staying, if/when finance's allow my next purchases/upgrades will be in no particular order a new mount (something with autostar/skyscan), and another OTA (something with abit more oomph, maybe a 150mm Mak/Cass, I like the views through my ETX90 so something along those lines that can be put on a better mount and no faffing about columinating required). Would also really like some quality eyepieces maybe some Lanths.

But one thing is for sure where possible I'd buy secondhand, much better value for money.

Other than that I'm happy :laugh:

Alan :laugh:

Thinking seriously of selling my ETX90, it never gets used now, think it's beceause I can't really image DSO's through it ,shame really it's a cracking little scope.

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