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Doubles Dilemma


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As it was clear again and I had fitted the new knob to the Tal, I had to try it even though there was a bit of cloud about. Set up early as I wanted catch Uranus and Neptune before they went behind my screen. Two star alignment  Aldebaran and Castor. Was aiming for doubles mostly first port of call to check alignment Albireo nearly in centre lovely Yellow and Blue split at X 66. 

Straight for Neptune and thought I saw a blue dot very small but not a star.

Uranus next and I think I saw a green dot but as it was close to the moon I am unsure.

Andromeda, Almach (SAO 0377.35)  Lovely colour here nearly on par with Albireo yellow and blue.

36 Andromedae peanut shape even at X200 yellow/orange colour

56 Andromedae easy split with yellow and a darker companion.

Auriga Theta (SAO 0586) could not split this at all could only see orange star.

59 Aurigae again no split.

41 Aurigae this was easily split.


Tegmine I had previously split this with my 8" reflector not tonight not even the double it was low down though.


 Castor split at X125

Delta Geminorum (Wasat) (SAO 0792.94) Very hard did not get it.

Kappa Geminorum (SAO 0796.53) This was easier with the 8mm at X125


Beta well split this Tuesday night with 5mm X200 not tonight 

After failing miserably to split these stars decided look at a few Messiers.

M42 nice nebulosity trapizium but no E and F.

M35, M36, M37 and M38 nice clusters at X66.

The moon at X66 the craters were well defined swapped eyepieces but the 15mm gave the best views.

All in all a disappointing night although the seeing was not that good I will try again.

On a better note the new focuser knob makes focusing really easy and so smooth.


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1 hour ago, wookie1965 said:

 M35, M36, M37 and M38 nice clusters at X66

Which reminds me of that nice double in M36, STF 737. Mags 8.5 and 9 with a comfy 10" separation. We've had a rare streak of 4 clear nights in Ireland so been quite busy.

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Great report Paul ! I'd certainly look at any ( all) of those. Ideal targets and a boom for the Moonlight or light pollution.

Double star addiction is available to all. The side effects include , using proper telescopes and be in peril of joining the Dull Mans club !


old Nick.



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