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What comes after an 80mm Semi Apo?


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Now I've finally sorted out my easily transportable set up, I'm already starting to think about my next scope. Currently I've got an Antares 80mm Semi Apo refractor, which is doing me perfectly well at the moment, but I'm wondering if I should get a complementary scope (such as a Skymax 127) to cope with planetary observing, or if I'd be better off selling the Antares and upgrading to something like a WO Megrez 88.

I want to keep my kit portable due to my location and stargazing habits, so a relatively small piece of equipment is needed. For the moment I'll just be using it for purely visual work, but maybe in a year or so I might want to get into imaging.

So would I get an appreciable boost in performance with a 5" Maksutov, or would I be better off putting the money from that into buying a higher performing refractor and selling the Antares?

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I've just got a Skymax127 and I think it's amazing.

The views are very sharp on the moon and the resulting images are very good indeed! It is much smaller (length) than the ED80 - But you'll need a dew sheild with it.

This image will give you an idea of the size compared to the ED80 - although the ED80 is mostly out of sight - it does extend further than the end of the Skymax (but not as far as the dew sheild).


(click to enlarge)

and here is an image taken with it. I think if you want a planet / lunar scope then the 127 is going to be a good choice.


(click to enlarge)


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I originally had a Skywatcher ST102 which (being a fast achromat) was no good at higher powers i.e. anything over 100x. I considered a Skymax 127 to complement the ST102 and give me those higher powers for lunar and planetary observing whilst still remaining portable.

Instead I pushed the boat out a bit and bought a Megrez 90. This is fast enough to give me the wide field views of the ST102, but so well colour corrected I can push it to 200x on the moon and planets - all in one portable scope!



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Cheers Ant and Richard,

The 127 is the one I'd probably go for if I went for another scope as well, but do you notice a big improvement for planetary and lunar (superb picture BTW) over the ED80? I'm wondering if the £200 or so for the 127 might be better used to put towards a better refractor.

I reckon I could get about £175 for the Antares and some of my accessories and with a bit of scrimping and saving invest in a megrez or something similar with better colour correction than my existing scope.

I'd be tempted to do what Richard has done and go for a top quality little scope, but only if it beats owning two scopes that excel in different fields.



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say guys i have a 130pm newt now, and was staring greedily at the 127 as a good tracking scope and for lunar / planetary imaging when i get going.

would it be a worthwhile investment or is it too similar in performance to my 130pm?

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I've got a an ED80, Skymax127 and 150 F5 Newt.

IMO they all do different enough jobs to warrant all three.

The Skymax is really a lunat / planetary scope. The other two are wider field DSO scopes.

I think that the Skymax would be guite good sitting next to the 130.



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What kind of Mak do you have btw?

It's the Orion (USA) Sky View Pro 127.

The 'scope is 127mm in aperture and has a focal length of 1540mm, (f/12.1). Apart from the colour, it's pretty much identical to the Skywatcher 'Skymax 127'.

I've also added an adaptor onto the visual back to allow me to use either 2" or standard SCT accessories.



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ya know that 127 mak is lookin better and better just read a review of it and it got praised for it's lunar and planetary abilities as well as double star observing.

i may get one and just use the 130pm when i have a clear night confirmed for like 3 hours at least and for DSO viewing. plus the mak can help me with my fledgling imaging career lol

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