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My first attempt at using my Star Adventurer


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Ok so anyone thinking of buying a Star Adventurer shouldn't be put off by my pictures!!!!! I found it really easy to set the SA up and align it to Polaris using a free app. I got some really nice wide field images of the sky, lots of detail, I'm definitely going to try the Milky Way with it. I think I tried to run before I could walk and decided that rather than get some shots using my 15mm-35mm lens, which I know works well out of the three I have (I am borrowing a Canon EOS 400d and lenses), on some wide field specific constellations, I decided to try zooming in on the Pleiades using the 70mm-300mm lens which I know has a habit of not being great a focussing things AND I wasn't sure how the SA would behave with something so close at 100 second shots but did it anyway. ISO is 800, f5.0. I only took 20 shots max before the cloud came over and after looking through them only used 10 plus 1 dark then edited with DSS and GIMP. Very newbie and no doubt lots of errors but this is the result plus an extra shot showing perhaps Santa on his early rounds. Next time I will use my middle range lens or maybe set this one to 70mm and obviously get more shots but I managed to get some of the nebulousity which I am pleased about. Comments welcome.

The Pleiades zoomed out again.png

The Pleiades and guest.png

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Good effort! As mentioned we all learn from our mistakes. I to have the Star Adventurer and using my Canon 18-135mm, I'm patiently waiting for Pleides to become a little higher before I attempt it. I've only imaged at 18mm, so will be going all out at 135mm at Andromeda until Pleides is ready. What mm did you image Pleides at?



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I have a star adventurer myself and you should be very pleased with your first attempt. I took a lot longer to get my PA right. Your alignment looks great on a long lens...obviously the only issue is focus.

if you haven't already .....backyard EOS focusing on live view has really helped me with a sharp focus.

cheers and all the best,


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Funnily enough Andy I've just asked my Mum for an early Christmas present  (Backyard Eos Premium) Naturally I can see myself adding a Williams Zenithstar61, along with a small guiding system. Im in the middle of learning about PHD2 and EOS, by time I have bought the equipment me talky O should be ready to go haha.



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