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Nasa have announced that the James Webb Space Telescope, due to be launched in 2018, has now been
scheduled for the Spring of 2019.  
It seems the problem causing this re scheduling of the launch is due to  spacecraft integration problems, which
I would assume means, they are having difficulty in squeezing the folded up package into the launch vehicle.
The only plus I see from this, is that Hubble has an extra lease on it's life.  
Bad enough seeing Cassini die, but The Hubble really has been a wonderful instrument, and has served us so well.
The Death of the Hubble will be a sad one indeed.:crybaby2:

But, the King is Dead, Long live the King. Hopefully.

Webb SCOPE.jpg

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13 minutes ago, Stu said:

Worth the delay to make sure all works well I guess Ron. Amazing complex bit of kit that they have to strap to a big vibrating firework!

That's for sure Stu.  The enormous expense of this venture demands meticulous preparation and care.   The prospect of what this instrument might open up, is mouth watering.   We just have to be patient.☺



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16 minutes ago, barkis said:

The prospect of what this instrument might open up, is mouth watering

Too right Ron, should be amazing!

I see they have approved the 30m scope in Hawaii now. We are in for some treats over the next few decades.


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The time it is taking to build, it's price tag and the fact that there is no chance of repair like Hubble if something goes wrong - has given me more than a few sleepless nights!

We look forward...

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I can't imagine the level of pressure and tension there must be on the guys and gals putting this together. Not least the Ariane rocket booster team!

Fingers crossed for them all.

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The tensions and stress that must be rife among the people engaged in this tremendous project, and now they have another year to bear the strain.  Of course. Every aspect of every process involved in the build, will be fine toothed combed, to be certain no gremlins are going to leap out.                                           I watched a TV programme some time ago which showed an animation of the mirror extension in space.  That in itself gave an indication of the very complicated mechanisms involved, and their various stages. All have to be perfect, and I can only feel total admiration for the people who designed , and constructed this stage, which is so vital to the whole mission.        As already stated in this thread,  unlike with the Hubble, no repair mission will be possible, should heaven  forbid, anything does go wrong.



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