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12 volt distribution panel


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Hi All,

I now have at least 6 items running/can run from a cigarette lighter adapter and I only have a 4 way version!

In addition last week when imaging I found the dew heater power kept popping out, nearly costing me a nights imaging.

Has anyone got a nice tidy idea for connecting all of the 12v items to a single 12v distribution board that is or can be made waterproof?

My power is from a 12v Nevada PSU that is great (Thanks to someone recommendation on here), but I am just conscious that: -

1. I need more connections
2. I need a more secure connection
3. I need to make it waterproof
4. It really needs to be fused
5. I can't make it permanent as although I am just completing my permanent pier, it won't be in an observatory.

Thanks in anticipation of your thoughts.

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I wired my GOTO dob where all power is connected in parallel into one 12V cigarette lighter connector and remotely run that on a car jumpstart portable power unit. The 900A unit is about 10A hours so it will run your gear for the night. 

The dew heating unit needs a lot of current and it best to get a 6Ah rechargeable power pack for it, cheap on ebay, but does the job. Again your dew heater will be powered for the night, but kept separate it wont drain (or cause other electrical issues) from the main PSU controlling your scope.

The other alternative is a 8A petrol generator.... but thats heavy, noisy (even the "quiet" units are loud at night).


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I use mains electric but the same applies, these boxes are good for convenient waterproofing:


I have my dew heaters on their own supply but everything else that is 12v I run from a single 10amp power supply with the use of splitters. It saves several cables running to the floor as you only have one power cable upto the mount, it massively improved my guiding from the reduced cable drag.




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There are a lot of threads in the DIY section of the forum with some great design an ideas that you could look at.

I build my own power distribution panel, in part to save money from buying the commercial solution like Kendrick's, and in part for the fun of it and the learning experience :)

I mounted it on the side of my OTA so all cables are moving with the scope and, since I moved to RPI and WIFI, I only have one cable (the power cable to the battery) hanging from the mount... Good times :)




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Thanks for everyone's ideas, I already have the Nevada Power Supply: -


And I have a number of waterproof boxes, what I am really looking for is like a Distribution panel, where I can bring in all the 12v power feeds without having to run two 4-way splitters, currently the 12v feeds are for: -

USB Hub, attached to the side of my mount
AZ Mount 12v Feed
Dew Heaters (Already made up a box to feed 3 with one feed)
Atik 383
Atik FW
Moonlite Focuser

I really don't like using the following: -


Thanks for your thoughts.

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Depending on your DIY skills, here's a couple of ideas.....


Could get a fusebox off amazon/ebay, and connect your kit to this using crimps. I'm using a couple of power rail bus bars to split the power between the devices.



This is actually part of a much larger project.  I've built my own power distributor for use at my scope.

This box is basically a breakout for a number of feeds.  (2 dew heaters, 12v, 5v, and 8v)



The control box is another project, this is fed from a battery/mains depending on where I am observing.



For the main power I use XLR cables for the power.   This weekend, I've doing a project to splice a feed from an XLR extension cable, so that I can power my new Startech USB 3.0 hub.

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Thanks CJ, that fused board is what I am looking for and I could build that into a box to mount on the side of my OTA.

Before I got my CCD, FW & focuser I had everything really quite tidy, but adding6 more lead in because of this has just made everything messy and untidy.

Is that just a standard car fusebox, and have you got a link to the Bus Bars, not used them before?

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The fuse box is something like one of these....


Here's a bus bar



You'll need 2 bus bars.  One for positive and one for negative.   When I put mine together I used the automotive cable rated for about 50 Amps.  (I think, might have been 30, I forget)  the wires fit snugly into the Blue Crimps, so the build was dead easy.

Spade crimps on both sides of the fuse box, and ring crimps attaching to the bus bars.


In my setup, They're going to a variety of things.   4*12 marine cigar sockets.   2 * 2USB sockets (4 usb sockets in total for charging stuff) and one for an XLR socket - This is what I'm using to provide power to my telescope.   It powers everything.   And despite what people say about dirty power, I've found that my system runs lovely on it.  haven't noticed any glitches at all.

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