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Lightning, Totality, and the Washington Post from Charleston, SC.


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What an experience!  We were blessed with just enough clear skies to see the climax of totality - there is a photo of lightning in the background below as a storm closed in.  I didn't set out to take many photos, deciding to just enjoy the day with the kids (aged 4, 3, and nearly 2) so I am very pleased with what I got!  I used a Canon camcorder with one half of eclipse glasses sellotaped over the lens, tracking with my Star Adventurer mount aligned to magnetic north and set to 32deg on the scale (which I doubt is accurate).  But it worked!  The 1000d didnt really work at 55mm, and I also forgot to remove the filter!

It was a 400 mile drive to get to Charleston, and we joined the eclipse party in the local soccer pitch.  There is no doubt that the Americans are really geared up for family events, and they even had a proper astronaut providing commentary on the proceedings.

My kids have been talking about the black sun ever since, and I even made an appearance in the Washington Post!

I doubt many have seen this spectacle on here, and I'm not one for 'literature' but this paragraph from a journalist really sums it up.

"The experience of totality scrambles the senses. Totality comes after hours of anticipation, of quiet pleading with fleecy clouds to get out of the way before it’s time. As the moon passed in front of the sun on Monday afternoon, taking bigger and bigger bites out of the sunlight, the temperature cooled. The edges of the shadows cast by bodies, tents, and trees sharpened. Then the moon slid over the sun like a manhole cover. There was one last burst of light before it was gone, and in its place emerged a white loop, set against purple shades."

Thanks for taking time to read my post.




Washington Post.jpg



Dark Skies.JPG





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7 hours ago, Pete Presland said:

What a brilliant record of the event,  wonderful to see all those young smiling faces :icon_biggrin:

It really is what these events should be all about!

Thank-you Pete.

I agree about the whole experience. I tried to resist photos at all but somehow my tripod and gear ended up in the boot of the car!

My girls keep talking about the 'black sun' and there has been some disappointment that they couldn't see it the next day also!

Trip to Chile...

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