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First Images of Saturn

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I have a Celestron Nexstar 4sE 4 inch telescope, and a celestron neximage 5 with registax 6.1. Here are my first ever attempts at capturing Saturn:


Terrible, I know. Are there any ways I can make this better?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.



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Well done Corkey, Saturn is not an easy one to capture with a small apeture scope, can you give us more info on how you got these images... are they single frames or stacked?... I haven't done planetary imaging for a while, but last time I went for jupiter I took video footage of it (3 x 30second videos) then put all the individual frames from the .MOV file into the stacking software and stacked 1600 of the highest quality frames... with a bit of tweaking and stretching I was able to bring out some detail... With a 4 inch apeture, you're not going to get much detail on the planet surface, but you could possibly get the cassini division if you try that method.

HTH, Art.

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